Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous - TopicsExpress


Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. (John 7:24 KJV) This scripture is telling us that as Christians we CAN judge, BUT it must be a righteous judgment based off of Gods word rather than our own personal opinion. And thats where people misinterpret the scripture, in the same context of Matthew 7:1 where Jesus tells us not to judge he then turns around and tells us to judge, by telling us to beware of false prophets! So how do we do that? What is a righteous judgement? Scripture says they will appear as sheep but INWARDLY they will be ravening wolves! So Jesus said, DONT judge by appearance, judge a righteous judgment, and a righteous judgment is looking at them INWARDLY. Are they bearing the fruits of a born again Christian? If they arent bearing those fruits then we must judge that for what it is through the word of God and warn our brother and sister to #STOPPLAYINGCHURCH Because way too many people are playing with God and its time we as God fearing men and women of God speak out and warn them of their wicked way. Because if we dont then we will have their blood on our hands... God is the great judge, and hes already judged all evil things. Its not even that we judge but we get accused of it when we are just quoting the irrefutable word of God. He is the judge, and if we live in sin that puts us away from God we will face hell and judgement. But if we commit our life to Christ and abstain from sin then we will not be judged and we will not face hell. I think it is so funny and just hypocritical how the NON- JUDGY LOVE LOVE LOVE Christians don’t believe in judging yet they always make the hypocritical judgements that Jesus Christ preached against, the ones he called scribes, pharisees and hypocrites. The ones he overturned the tables on, the ones he sent to hell. They make those types of judgments based on their own opinion rather than a righteous judgment and when someone does make a righteous judgement based on God’s word they ridicule that person and send them to hell.. Well poppycock, it’s just poppycock. The church needs to wake up and realize God wants us to preach the word. Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. (2 Timothy 4:2 KJV) Call EVIL what it is without fear of man but with fear of God if we dont call out evil. All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Stand out! Be not conformed to this world. Raise your standard and shout your battle cry! We are in an outright WAR brothers and sisters, its time to gird our loins with the truth, be bold, be courageous, be strong, be quick with the word and be a soldier in the lords army. Be Godly, be holy, be a Jesus freak. A brave, unashamed Jesus freak that is unafraid to say: Thats an abomination! Thats, ungodly, thats unholy! Thats satanic! Thats not of God! Thats evil! Youre going to hell if you dont turn from your sins and accept Christ into your heart, he loves you and wants you to come to him but YOU must make that choice. I believe in a holy God and I wont raise dogs in my house, I will raise Godly children that will contribute to society. Stop playing church, wake up, stand up and NEVER shut up. TRUE LOVE WARNS ~ Shalom ~ Nathan Tune
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 00:32:24 +0000

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