Judging Others It is one thing to have a conviction; it’s - TopicsExpress


Judging Others It is one thing to have a conviction; it’s another to convict the person. Paul said in Romans 2:1, “If you think you can judge others” here is a stern reminder for you, “God judges those who do wrong things, and we know that his judging is right.” It is our job to hate the sin. But it is God’s job to deal with the sinner. God has called us to despise evil, but he has never called us to despise the evildoer. But oh, how we would like to! Is there any act more delightful than judging others? There’s something smug and self-satisfying about slamming down the gavel…“Guilty!” Judging others is a quick and easy way to feel good about ourselves. But that’s the problem. God doesn’t compare us to them. They are not the standard. God is. And compared to him, Paul argues in Romans 3:12, “There is no one who does anything good.” We Don’t Know Enough God is the One who judges. We don’t know enough! We condemn a man for stumbling this morning, but we didn’t see the blows he took yesterday. We judge a woman for the limp in her walk but cannot see the tack in her shoe. Only one who has followed yesterday’s steps can be their judge. Not only are we ignorant about yesterday, we are ignorant about tomorrow. How can you dismiss a soul until God’s work is complete? Philippians 1:6 says, “God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again.” Be careful! A stammering shepherd in this generation may be the mighty Moses of the next. Don’t call Noah a fool. You may be asking him for a lift. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 4:5, “Do not judge before the right time; wait until the Lord comes.” Universal Strategy of Impunity It’s the universal strategy of impunity. Even kids use it. If I can get my dad more angry at my brother than me, I’m off scot-free. So I accuse…I compare. Rather than admit my own faults, I find faults in others. The easiest way to justify the mistakes in my house is to find worse ones in my neighbor’s house. Such scams don’t work with God! God isn’t so easily diverted. He sees through all smoke screens and holds you to what you’ve done. Did you think just because he is such a nice God, he would let you off the hook? God is kind, but he’s not soft. He takes us firmly by the hand and leads us into a radical life change. We aren’t good enough to judge. Can the sick mock the ill? Can the blind judge the deaf? Can the sinner condemn the sinner? No. Only One can judge…it is God. A New Plan As children, the minute we got home from school we would hit the pavement. The kid across the street had a dad with a great arm and a strong addiction to football. He couldn’t resist when we would yell for him to play ball. He’d always ask, “Which team is losing?” Then he’d join that team, which often seemed to be mine. His appearance changed the whole ball game. He was confident, strong, and most of all, had a plan. “Okay boys, here’s what we are going to do.” You see, we not only had a new plan, we had a new leader. He brought new life to our team. God does precisely the same. We didn’t need a new play; we needed a new plan. We needed a new player, Jesus Christ, God’s firstborn Son. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he’s a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.”
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 11:41:02 +0000

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