Judgment is so pervasive in our society that we condemn our own - TopicsExpress


Judgment is so pervasive in our society that we condemn our own children labeling them as ‘bad’ and needing to be punished. This is a fear based approach where judgment is the culprit. How can children BE ‘good’ or ‘bad or BE ‘right’ or ‘wrong’? Have you ever wondered why so many children grow up not feeling good enough? Children are dependent on their parents, caregivers, and teachers, for their nurturing and guidance. It is their words and actions that can be constructive or destructive – not the children themselves. Using judgment in our own lives is what causes so much of the suffering in our world today including the withholding of love, compassion, and forgiveness. It breeds guilt, causes stress, disconnection, and conflict. Understand that by seeing someone as ‘good’ or ‘right’, and ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ is a false belief. Start using the word discernment instead of judgment i.e. #4. above. Stop using judgment to mean opinions, assumptions, and conclusions. Using this one word to encompass all these different terms justifies our right to judge other people. Pay attention to how ‘judgment’ shows up in your every day conversations, and choose the more accurate word. Remember that when you use the word ‘should’ related to a person, you are likely judging them to be wrong. You can feel it in your energy. Distinguishing between discernment that serves you to make wise decisions, and releasing the toxic energy of hidden judgment will bring a whole new depth, and authenticity to your relationships. Forgiveness from here becomes not only achievable, but magical.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 12:24:11 +0000

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