July 2013 Monthly Letter... “…in hope that the creation - TopicsExpress


July 2013 Monthly Letter... “…in hope that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of GOD.” Rom. 8:21 FREEDOM… the most precious of blessings for every American. We are free to speak our minds, and free to make no comment if that’s what we choose. Perhaps, as some say, many of the stories about how our freedom came to be are embellished. Yet, we know it’s true that our forefathers fought hard to establish a nation where we have choices. Our founding fathers and mothers gave up careers, family, fortune and safety to build an inheritance we have enjoyed with little restraint for over two hundred years. Unfortunately, because most of us have never known anything else, we’ve taken our national freedom for granted. Certainly to such a degree that freedom to which we’ve become accustomed for the past two centuries has changed---and not for the better. The land of opportunity is little more than a memory. Every July we celebrate independence from tyrannical government, but at the same time allow government to take care of us, and as it has done so, we have lost our liberties along the way. The problem with human freedom is that there is always the reality that we will lose our freedom if do not remain alert and diligent. We have already lost many rights and privileges. Frankly, it frightens me to think about the bondage future generations of American citizens will experience. With oppression comes fear and violence. We already see both, and not only from outside our borders. Life in the US these days is beginning to feel like foreign soil. Daily, I hear people exclaim, “But how can they do that?” “They” can do that because we have not taken a stand for what is right, but rather settled for what is comfortable. Doing so has cost us our voice. Compare the freedom in human government to Kingdom freedom purposely provided to us by God. Paul explains to the church in Galatia, “For Freedom did Christ set us free; stand fast therefore, and be not entangled again in a yoke of bondage.” (Galatians 5:1) Biblical teaching on freedom indicates that once we are free in Christ we need not live in fear of finding ourselves captive once again. Freedom in Christ is not superficial. He leads us into greater depths of freedom; it is irrevocable and secure. Never will we lose our voice with which we proclaim the goodness and glory of God who lavishes freedom upon us. A short time ago I read an interview of Cal Thomas in World Magazine by editor Marvin Olasky. As I read Mr. Thomas’ straightforward answers to some complicated political and moral questions, my esteem for his courage to speak the truth was intensified. I thought to myself how wonderful it would be if we could all hear Mr. Thomas and be encouraged by his knowledge and absolute faith in God; however, I am very aware that he is in great demand and therefore is way off the charts of our events budget. However, God orchestrated the whole scenario because I am able to share with you our great news. In mid-June I received and email from Cal Thomas’ representative to announce that for Pregnancy Resource Centers he is substantially reducing his fee to celebrate his 50 years in journalism. I checked with his agency to see if there was any chance we could afford even his discounted fee—WE COULD! I’m over-the-top excited to announce Cal Thomas will be the Keynote for our fall fundraising event: “We Are the Church; An evening with Cal Thomas.” You will have all the details soon, but for now do not plan anything else for Friday, October 25, 2013, because you will absolutely not want to miss this rare chance to meet and hear a great, rational thinker and defender of faith in the world. Those who host one or more tables of eight persons and/or underwrite this event will receive an invitation to a private reception for Cal Thomas before our public event. There is no charge for this event, but understand it is NOT at all free for us. (We pay to use the venue, for the meal, for the speaker, etc) Please let people you invite know up front to bring their checkbooks, credit cards or cash because this IS, while planned for your enjoyment, a fundraising event. We are very, very excited and look forward to this evening. Historically, we have lovely folks who look forward to our events as a special evening out, and more than 50% do not feel compelled to cover the cost of their meal. We would rather have fewer people who are seriously interested in the work we do, than a room full of folks who prefer to let others do the heavy lifting. We make every effort to keep our expenses down, but even so, the cost is significant. Ladies-don’t forget our fundraising TEA: “One Hundred Years of Fashion” on Saturday, August 24, 2013 from 11 AM to 2 PM. The committee is already working and planning to make this an event you won’t soon forget. You and your guests will be treated to a fashion show of vintage clothing, some yummy food and an opportunity to learn more about how to partner with Pregnancy & Family Resource Center. Limited tickets on sale by August 1 for $25, and if there are any available-$30 at the door. Golfers!! We have an event for you coming up in Spring 2014!!! This is not a tournament event, but a day of golf with a PGA Golf Pro who will be available to observe and video your game and give you pointers on the spot and through follow-ups. Watch for a date and details around the end of November. We’re excited about this unique event, and we know you will be too. I love the more casual days of summer, and I look forward to some vacation time as do our staff and volunteers. I hope your summer is going well and you’re having some fun times with family and friends. I hope you will join me and spend some time pondering the initial cost of our freedom and what it’s going to cost us to keep our independence. We need to tell our children and their children that God created us for freedom in every sense of THE WORD Thank you for not forgetting how important it is to keep your financial and service commitments to Pregnancy & Family Resource Center. Our precious families count on us in every season. Lisa Joy Stiefken
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 02:04:00 +0000

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