Jun. 9, 2013 - LONDON, U.K. – What is Bill Murray not capable of - TopicsExpress


Jun. 9, 2013 - LONDON, U.K. – What is Bill Murray not capable of doing? That is the question being asked by London residents today as Murray saved the life of a little girl from being hit by a truck. 34-year-old Paul Horner who is in London on business witnessed the near fatal accident. “Yeah, it was horrifying. I saw this little girl standing in the middle of traffic on her phone and this truck was barreling down the road right towards her. Then out of nowhere this man pushed her out of the way at the last second saving her life,” Horner told the BBC News. “So I ran over to them to see if they were alright. To my amazement I see that the girl was perfectly fine and the guy who saved her was none other than Bill Murray. It was Bill frickin’ Murray who saved this kids life!” Horner continued, “That guy is always doing something awesome whether it’s making movies, playing golf with the pros, crashing random parties or saving lives! He’s everywhere!” 10-year-old Courtney Groves from Bristol told reporters about her near death experience. “I was playing on my iPod and just wasn’t paying attention to the cars around me. Thank you Mr. Murray for saving my life,” Groves said. “He even sat down with me and helped me finish the level I was playing. We got a perfect score! He told me that he was in a movie years ago about golf and it had a gopher in it, just like my game! I didn’t know what he was talking about but Bill Murray liked my game and he saved my life so I thought that was really neat!” Murray spoke briefly to reporters about the incident. “I’m no hero, I was just in the right place at the right time. I think anyone else in my position would have done the same. That’s not being a hero. That is just being a good human being,” Murray said. “Courtney is a great kid. We talked for a while. She even let me play her fun card game on her phone. I told her the next time you wanna play games on your phone, don’t do it in the middle of traffic.” 23-year-old Brian Barth who is a game developer on the Fairway Solitaire team told CNN that he is thrilled the child was not injured. “It’s a good thing Bill Murray was there or things could have been a lot worse. I mean, there are no mulligans in life, right?” Barth said. “It feels really good when someone plays a game you helped create, had a hand in developing but it’s just not a game meant to be played in the middle of traffic, that’s for sure. Maybe we should start putting warning labels on our games stating, ‘Not meant to be played in the middle of oncoming traffic unless Bill Murray is there to save your life’,” Barth laughs. Murray was in London visiting friends and sightseeing when this near-tragic event took place. Murray says he plans to stay in London for another week and then is off to Germany to finish up his work in the upcoming movie The Monuments Men due out in December
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 04:38:03 +0000

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