June Devotion Pastor Darren Cole My devotion for June is a - TopicsExpress


June Devotion Pastor Darren Cole My devotion for June is a dedication to all the fathers who are striving to live the life of Christ before their families and children. Those fathers who are sacrificing daily to take care of their households and trusting God in everything they do. I also wanted to share this devotion with the Mercy families who are impacted by a great father whether they are natural fathers, adopted, or father figures, fathers make a difference. I like to share a 2013 Fathers Day email from my son Benjamin whos stationed in Italy. His words touched my heart and reminded me of the word of God which says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). Words cannot express how proud I am of him and what God is doing in his life. It’s worth it all. When I was younger - even a year ago - there were always those lessons I could never seem to grasp. Knowledge you would hand me through a stern no, shared discussion, or an answer to the endless questions thrown your way. There are even moments I recall where nothing was said, but your decisions have become as a beacon in the night. Only now that I have left you, has your influence bloomed. I walk along your footsteps and see at times they change course, but no longer puzzle me... Its beginning to make sense - all the things you promised Id understand in time. Your lessons no longer preparing me for life, but whispering in my ear as I travel through it. A feeling I cannot begin to explain consumes me just to know that youre mine. That God would bless me with such a man I could call father. And learning daily how He has made me, I realize it could be no other way. Without you - someone to test myself against as I grow as a man, how little hope I would have invested in humanity. Youre at least half the reason I am the person you know today, and it is difficult for me to express how treasured you are. For all your efforts and sacrifices - the same burdens Ive come to know and carry - thank you. Happy Fathers Day! Love, Your son, Benjamin
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 13:00:02 +0000

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