Junior cricket awoke from its summer hibernation this morning. - TopicsExpress


Junior cricket awoke from its summer hibernation this morning. Like a confused grizzly bear with a scrambled biological clock, the boys from Palm Beach walked onto the home ground of surfers paradise cricket club looking to scavange from a rubbish bin full of runs. The surfers boys should have known better than to poke a bear with a stick. Gentle ben welch swatted a boundry early on and was retired with 8 runs keeping the run rate at around 4.5/over. Wickets and retirements flew quick er than an English test team which saw welch return for a second dig and reach double figures for the 2nd time this season. The pbc team had 109 to show for 25 overs work. When they took to the field it was apparent that some of these bears had sore heads. The pitch seemed 2ft thinner than normal. When surfers got to 50, sundries and some kid called Jackson had 47 of the runs between them. It seemed like the grizzlies had turned into the I dont care bears. Some kid called aaron (dubbed finchy by the scorers) hit 2 sixes in one over for surfers to take a commanding position coming into the last 4 overs. The I dont care bears were looking like poo bears until a maiden over meant surfers needed 8 off 6 balls. A close finish was bruin. In a tactical blunder not seen since Chris skase based a Brisbane afl team on the gold coast, the surfers paradise coach let his best player (dubbed action jackson by the scorers) go home early. Palm Beach got 2 wickets in the last 4 balls, jackson was having an early shower and surfers were 6 runs short of victory. The beach Boys win by the barest of margins.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 03:30:48 +0000

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