Just a few facts that people should know about race track safety, - TopicsExpress


Just a few facts that people should know about race track safety, insurance and etc. 1. On-site ambulances are really nice to have, however most of them cannot transport off the property. A second ambulance must be called. Get to know the EMTs at your track. In an accident, they will be your best friends. 2. Most racing insurance is secondary to your own health insurance. As we all know, Obama care is mandating we all have health insurance. You need to make sure your health insurance provider is aware of your racing habit. 3. Most racing insurance is very limited at best, it is designed to be supplemental to your primary insurance. Ask the track to explain their coverages. 4. The death benefit provided is very low in most cases. 5. Signing the waiver at the front gate does not mean the track carries insurance, it means you know the inherent of racing and are participating anyways. 6. Insurance protects the track way more than the participant. If a track is negligent, the insurance company helps fight battles. 7. If you want to know if your track provides insurance, ask to see a copy of the current policy. Do not assume they carry insurance because you signed a waiver. 8. Do not assume that because there is an ambulance in the infield that a track is prepared to treat serious injuries. 9. Ask questions... get answers. 10. Misinformation is the #1 problem in this sport so educate yourself. I ask any and all to comment respectfully to help educate the racing community.
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 11:21:05 +0000

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