Just a quick Brody update for you all. Many of you have been so - TopicsExpress


Just a quick Brody update for you all. Many of you have been so sweet to reach out to me today checking on Brody. Some of ya, I had time to respond to & others I didnt. Sorry about that. I was a little overwhelmed with keeping up with texts & calls so I apologize for that. We finally made it home around 3am. During our time at CHOA last night, Brody had to get an iv with fluids. They also did bloodwork & a few tests. All of his bloodwork was great, his virus cells were elevated, meaning he has a virus. The tough part was it took awhile to relieve his headache. They started with tylenol, then moved to hydrocodone. By that point he was crying in pain. They then gave him benedryl (yes it helps with nausea and migraines!) then a dose of something that starts with a C that is given to people who have migraines. After that he had a dose of advil.. FINALLY relief! so they sent us home to sleep. Stating if anything changed to give them a call or bring him in... Hes had a fever for most of the day. Varying anywhere from 100 -103. Hes been in great spirits. Hes played a little, and slept alot. No headache at all,yay!This afternoon we had a new development,the bridge of his nose was slighty swollen.. Of course, upon asking him 100 times if it hurt or if he hit his head yesterday, he finally says that while playing on the playground yesterday he & a few boys were playing cops & robbers & he hit his head. Enough reason for a headache wouldnt you say? I called his dr who says theres no reason to bring him back in unless the headache returns or other symptoms occur. Im praying that he sleeps well tonight & feels much better tomorrow. Should things still be the same in the am, I will be taking him back to the dr.. Thanks again for praying for Brody. Im running on 3hrs sleep so I wish you all a fabulous evening. Go Brody Go! -Misty
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 02:29:15 +0000

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