Just a random thought. Why is it so hard for a person to be honest - TopicsExpress


Just a random thought. Why is it so hard for a person to be honest with someone they intend on having a relationship with? Why make yourself out to be someone you’re not just to get them, then wait awhile to show the real you? I will never get this. Honesty is the only foundation a relationship can be built off of. Lies will only make what you build on that foundation eventually crumble. If you accept someone for all that they are and you give all you have, that someone needs to be able to handle all your faults along with all the good. If they cannot do this then they are not worthy of your love. And here is another thing some must realize…A person can be the best of people as a friend but they can be crappy at being a boyfriend or girlfriend. Not everyone is made for one another. You have to know when to walk away before it completely destroys you. But also the other person should have enough respect to say I am not man enough or woman enough to give you what you deserve. Never walk away mad, just be glad for what was. But don’t hold on to what could be if it is hurting you in the process. It has nothing to do with being strong. It has to do with loving yourself and respecting your mind and heart. Anyone can say I love myself but if you let someone in over and over to break you down then you are not proving that you love yourself. I was up all night, not being able to sleep, over this because of a situation I was put in yesterday. I learned my lesson back in the day so I’m quicker to walk away when it starts to break me. I know better than anyone how low you can feel. I’m not saying it is easy to walk away but it is something you have to learn to do. It gets easier each time....
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 16:19:26 +0000

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