Just arrived in paradise Pictor found himself before a tree that - TopicsExpress


Just arrived in paradise Pictor found himself before a tree that was both man and woman. Pictor greeted the tree with reverence, and asked, Are you the tree of life ? . But when , instead of the tree , he wanted to answer the snake , he turned and walked over . was all eyes , everything he loved . clearly felt to be in the home and the source of life . And again he saw a tree that was both sun and moon. Pictor asked, Are you the tree of life ? . The sun smiled and nodded . Wonderful flowers looked at him with a multitude of colors and bright smiles , with a multitude of eyes and faces. Some nodded and laughed , others nodded and smiled : drunk silent , were lost in themselves , in their perfume mingled . A flower sang the song of lilac , a flower sang the lullaby deep blue . One of the flowers had big blue eyes , another reminded him of his first love . One had the scent of the garden of childhood, her sweet scent sounded like the voice of the mother. Another laughed , leaned toward him his red tongue curve . He will licked , tasted strong and wild , like resin and honey , but also as a woman s kiss . Among all these flowers was Pictor , full of longing and joy restless . His heart , like a bell, pounding, pounding so much , and his desire was burning into the unknown, into the magically foreshadowed . Pictor saw a bird resting on the grass and bright colors cloaked , of all the colors looked beautiful bird comes . At the colorful beautiful bird he asked, Bird, then where is happiness? . Happiness ? said the beautiful bird and laughed with his golden beak , happiness , my friend, is everywhere, on mountains and in valleys, flowers and crystals . With these words the carefree bird shook its feathers , stretched his neck , waved his tail, eyes narrowed , he laughed one last time and then sat motionless , still sitting in the grass, and lo, the bird had become a colorful flower , feathers had turned into leaves, roots nails . In the glory of color , dance and splendors , the bird had grown plant. Pictor saw this wonder. And now the flower - bird began to move its leaves and pistils, was already tired of her being flower, already had no roots , shaking a little rose up slowly and it was a beautiful butterfly , which rocked the air, weightless , all diffuse light shining in his face. Pictor s eyes widened in amazement . But the new butterfly, the cheerful colorful butterfly -flower- bird , the bright colorful face flew around Pictor amazed , gleamed in the sun, fell to the ground as light as a snowflake , he sat near the foot of Pictor , he breathed softly , trembled a little with shiny wings , and behold , it turned into a colored glass , from which radiated a red light. Beautifully shone between herbs and plants, such as tolling of a bell cheering , the red gemstone . But his homeland , the depths of the earth , seemed to call her , and immediately began to shrink and threatened to disappear. Then Pictor , driven by an irrepressible yearning , leaned toward the stone that was fading in the pulled himself. Enraptured , plunged his gaze into his magical light, which seemed irraggiargli in the heart of the presentiment of a full bliss. Suddenly , crawling on the branch of a tree dried up , the snake hissed in his ear : The stone turns you into what you want. Soon , tell her your desire , before its too late . Pictor was frightened and afraid to see fade away his fortune. Quick said the word and turned into a tree. Giacchè more than once he had wanted to be a tree, because the trees seemed to him so full of peace, strength and dignity. Pictor became a tree. Penetrated by the roots in the ground, stretched upward , leaves and branches sprouted from his limbs . He was very pleased . Fiber thirsty sucked in the cool depths of the earth and its leaves fluttered high in the blue. Insects living in its bark , the porcupine lived at his feet and the rabbit , the birds from its branches . The tree Pictor was happy and did not count the years that passed . Many years passed before she realized that her happiness was not perfect . Only slowly learned to look with the eyes of a tree. At last he could see , and he became sad. For she saw around him in the paradise most of the beings turned very often , in fact everything that flowed into a stream of perennial enchanted transformations. He saw flowers become precious or fly away as dazzling hummingbirds. He saw beside him more of a tree suddenly disappear : one was dissolved in source , another had become a crocodile swam yet another fresh and happy , with great enjoyment , like fish darting merry , new games in inventing new forms . Elephants took the robe of rocks , giraffes in the form of flowers. He, instead , the tree Pictor , was always the same, he could no longer turn . From the moment he realized this , his happiness he vanished : he began to age and assumed that aspect more and more tired, and seriously afflicted , that can be observed in many old trees. You can see it every day even in horses , birds , in men and in all beings : when they do not have the gift of transformation, eventually sinking in sadness and in breaking , and lose all beauty. One day, a young girl with blond hair and blue robe was lost in that part of heaven. The singing and dancing blond girl running through the trees and before then had never thought to desire the gift of transformation. More than a clever monkey smiled as he passed , more than a slight bush stroked with its offshoots , knocked over a tree as he passed a flower, unanoce , an apple, that she will look after . When the tree Pictor saw the girl , he took a great longing , a desire for happiness as he had never yet happened. And at the same time he found himself caught in a deep meditation , because it was as if his own blood shouting : Back in you! Remember in this hour of your whole life , Trovan the way, otherwise it will be too late and you will not be given no more happiness. And he obeyed . Rammemorò his origin , his years as a man , on his way to heaven , and in particular that instant before he did tree, wonderful moment in which he had got hold of the fairy stone . Then, when all the transformation was open, the life he had been burning like never before! He remembered the bird that had been laughing and then the tree with the moon and the sun, took the suspect then he lost, he had forgotten something, and that the advice of the serpent was not good. The girl heard a rustling in the leaves of Pictor , looked and felt , with a sudden pain in the heart, new thoughts, new desires , new dreams to move inside her. Attracted by the unknown force sat under the tree. It seemed to her lonely , lonely and sad, and in this beautiful, touching and noble in its silent sadness was enchanted by the song Whisperer slight her hair . He leaned on his trunk rough, deeply felt the tree shudder , felt the same thrill in his heart. His heart was strangely painful , in the sky of his soul flowing clouds, slowly fell from his eyes heavy with tears. What was going on? Why did he have to suffer so ? Because his heart he wanted to split the chest and go with him to merge with it, with the beautiful lonely ? The tree trembled silently at the roots , so intently gathered in itself all the vital force , reaching out to the young girl , in a burning desire to merge. Alas , because it was left by the serpent to deceive be so confined , forever, alone in a tree! Oh, how he had been blind, as he had been a fool ! Then really knew so little, then really knew so little, really was so far from the secret of life ? No, even then he had dimly heard and divined , alas ! And with pain and deep understanding of thought now that the tree was made of man and woman! It was a flying bird, the bird was red and green , bold and beautiful , while describing a ring in the sky . The girl saw him fly , he saw something fall from his beak shone red as blood , red as fire, and fell among the green plants, shone with such familiarity among the green plants, the clarion call of his red light was so intense that the girl bent down and picked up the redness . And here was a crystal, a ruby , and around it there can be no darkness. As soon as the girl had taken the fairy stone in his white hand , immediately came true the dream that had filled my heart . The beautiful was taken, faded and became one with the tree, leaned his torso as a robust young branch which quickly rose up to him. Now everything was in place , the world was in order, only now it had been found paradise , Pictor was no longer an old tree saddened , now sang loud Pictoria . Victoria. It was transformed. And since this time had reached the true, eternal transformation, because one half was to become a whole, from that moment he could continue to turn as much as he wanted. Incessantly flow of becoming fairy flowed in his veins , always participated in the creation resurgent every hour. He became a deer , fish became , became man and snake, bird and cloud . In any form , however, was full , it was a couple, had in itself the moon and sun , man and woman , the river flowed like twin to the land , as was the double star in the sky. :) :)
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 17:44:36 +0000

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