Just copying and pasting some of my comments from an argument that - TopicsExpress


Just copying and pasting some of my comments from an argument that I am having at FMT that is questioning why a Chinese like me would be supporting Govt. BN has power-sharing that has worked well for decades. I only believe in what I see with my own eyes and what I experienced in my own life. Despite certain restrictions and limitations (which I understand was due to the agreement that non-Malays agreed to special position of Malays in return for citizenship), the lives of my all-Chinese family and my relatives and my friends have been stable, peaceful and prosperous. All of us managed to get good education, all are relatively rich or well-to-do, have houses and savings and multiple cars, eat expensive dinners and lunches quite frequently, travel overseas at least once a year and this is A FACT! I do not want a coalition that comes in here where one party is adamant in implementing Hudud or a coalition that believes free everything is the answer for Malaysians. Look at free water, now we are water-free. It can always be better or it can be worse. Us Chinese say that we must not stop people from getting rich. So far, us Chinese have more than ample opportunities in Malaysia to more than cari makan. It is not hard to become rich in Malaysia and the only limit is really ourselves. UMNO/BN have not stopped this. For me, Pakatan Rakyat is a failed and failing coalition that resorts to populist policies, lies and generating hatred to retain power. I agree with Singapores Lee Kuan Yew who last year said that Pakatan Rakyat will fall apart or rendered unable to move if they ever get Federal power. Until today, they cannot even name who can be Prime Minister. I do not want an unstable coalition who resorts to lying to the public with non-existent Banglas, Blackouts, country going bankrupt lies. I dont like to be diperbodohkan and used. Nik Din · Top Commenter · Lim Sian See R you saying that chinese in other parts of the world are less fortunate than you, your friends,relatives because they dont live under BN coalition party ? Reply · Like · 12 minutes ago My reply: I am saying what has happened since my forefathers came to Malaysia and the various governments since then has allowed us to prosper and live in relative peace. I could easily cite the Chinese living in Indonesia (during their reformasi 1999 where thousands were killed) or the Chinese in Vietnam or the Chinese in Thailand and Philippines (who had to change their names and adopt local culture) or the Chinese in China (who had to suffer severe hardship until a decade or two ago and many are still very poor). Therefore, I am grateful of what we have now. It could be better or it could be worse but as it stands, I do not agree with a coalition that is unstable, argues among themselves, uses populist policies that will bring great economic harm to Malaysia (including insanely opposing GST even though they said they agree that GST is a good system) and outright use lies like 40k Banglas to deceive voters.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 09:50:50 +0000

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