Just days left until the last of the leaves fall from the trees... - TopicsExpress


Just days left until the last of the leaves fall from the trees... autumn so brilliant in its astounding display of color in October, and then comes with stark contrast November when the days become so short and the darkness settles in and the bright yellows and reds and orange are replaced by earthy browns and golds and wispy tans..... As November begins the eventual surrender to winter and death in the earthen color that lay draped across the landscape there remains a different kind of beauty and a dignity and nobility as if the very earth were saying even in death lay the seeds for the most profound kind of hope for to tomorrow....... Yes autumn a season that speaks to our soul as it is in deed the ultimate season of change and Gods mighty reminder that the many deaths we experience throughout our lives while hurtful are part of a journey and every loss in our lives has been preceded by a brilliant burst of light and love; is wrapped in the warm hues of the earth and is followed by a hope that falls gracefully from the sky as a blanket of white covers over death and shares the promise of another season, of a tomorrow that speaks our hopes into one anothers hearts... Even as we await that first light of morning the darkness a time to let the quiet move through us; to settle in as every night is followed by tomorrows first light... Before we can welcome what is to come we must accept what has come to be... Walking through the woods with the crunch of the leaves beneathe our feet and our breath visible once again autumn has become full grown and the wind in our face whispers as it so often has... Amen....................... amen...
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 11:06:26 +0000

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