Just for grins and giggles. REENACTORS ZODIAC BLACK POWDER -- - TopicsExpress


Just for grins and giggles. REENACTORS ZODIAC BLACK POWDER -- Dec. 22 – Jan. 20 Black Powder people are very volatile. Just a tiny spark sets them off in a big way. They are also mercurial. A little rain or too much humidity and they will just sit around and do nothing. Black Powder folks do not really get along well with most people, but they do work surprisingly well with Caps. Black Powders need to stay away from Camp Fires and Candles. At one time or another most reenactors will get too intimate with a Black Powder, which always ends up leaving a bad taste in their mouth. SALT PORK – Jan. 21 – Feb. 19 Salt Pork people are rarely overly exciting, but are one of the staples of any unit. They offer a certain amount of seasoning to any group of people. They usually are not noticed much until they are not there, in which case they are truly missed. Salt Pork people should consider getting involved with Camp Fires, because a Camp Fire will always bring out their best features. They should avoid entanglements with Black Powder people. Often times a Canteen or Water Buffalo helps them get along with others. HARDTACK – Feb. 20 – March 20 Hardtack people are bland, but nurturing. Sometimes they can be hard to swallow by themselves, but a Water Buffalo or Canteen helps them to go down easier. Although not too flamboyant, they are virtually indestructible! Yo can submit them to just about anything and they will remain unruffled. A close relationship with a Camp Fire is not a good idea. Hardtack people relate well to Canteen and Water Buffalos. Most people find it is hard to get past a Hardtack’s tough shell, but if you are willing to work at it you can get to the “goodness within.” Tin Cup – March 21 – April 20 Tin Cups are not too flashy, but are generally fairly sturdy. They are one of the few people who can have a close relationship with a Camp Fire and not be destroyed. They are also great dinner companions. The downside to Tin Cups is they can get in the way in the field, and have a tendency to keep up a tiresome racket. Perfect mates for a Tin Cup are Water Buffalos and Canteens. CAMP FIRE – April 21 – May 21 Camp Fire people are very hard to get along without, and at the same time, not overly compatible with most other people. By themselves they are warm, energetic, comforting, and even romantic, but great care must be taken not to get too intimate with them. Getting Camp Fires in the vicinity of Black Powder or Caps is not a good idea! Those three types just do not get along at all, and the results are always noisy and destructive to try and mix them. A somewhat close, but not too intimate relationship with Camp Fire people is really great, especially on those cold winter nights, or the miserable rainy ones. Getting too intimate with a Camp Fire is almost always a painful experience. A sure way to rain on a Camp Fire’s parade is to sit them next to a Water Buffalo or Canteen. WATER BUFFALO –May 22 – June 21 Water Buffalos seem to live on the outskirts of our lives. While they themselves are very nurturing and life-giving they are not the sort of person one wants to hang around with all day. Most people never do really get intimate with a Water Buffalo. They are usually content to remain on the outskirts of the camp. Water Buffalos are not at all compatible with Camp Fires, Black Powders, or Caps. They get along great with Tin Cups and Canteens, and make good mates for either of those. Get a Water Buffalo with a Tin Cup or Canteen and they will soon be sharing their innermost secrets with them. CANTEEN --June 22 – July 23 Canteens are life-givers! They are about the most important persuasion of person to have around. They are almost indispensable to Salt Porks and Hardtacks. One minor flaw of Canteens is that once they are ‘used up’ they are just useless dead weight. On the plus side – a ‘used up’ Canteen can be recharged quickly and easily. Water Buffalo people are just the ones to restore a flagging Canteen, and make perfect mates for them. Canteens come in many sizes and shapes. PORT-O-LET – July 24 – Aug. 23 Port-o-lets are an enigma. No one really likes them, or enjoys their company; but at the same time, there are those times when you are extremely happy to see them. People tend to get very intimate with Port-o-lets, while never really enjoying the “affair” very much. Port-o-lets are usually the first people folks seek out in the morning, and often times are the last ones you get with before you hit your tent at night. Visits with Port-o-lets are usually brief and unpleasant, but they do seem to meet a deep need in everyone’s life. SUSPENDER --Aug. 24 – Sept. 23 Suspenders are usually unsung heros. They vary from flashy to downright plain. As long as everything is ok with them they are hardly noticed. But let a Suspender get just a bit twisted and they can really be uncomfortable and irritating to be around! Suspenders get along very well with everyone except Camp Fires and Black Powder people. They should not get too intimate with Candles either. One time they really make their presence known is when they get involved with a Port-o-let. At such times they can be really annoying! BROGAN – Sept. 24 – Oct. 23 Brogans are plain and unassuming as a rule. Generally speaking, when you first get intimate with a Brogan you are subject to pain and a lot of uncomfortable moments. But as a relationship with a Brogan matures and deepens most folks find them to be as comfortable as an old shoe. Except for brief and casual relationships, Brogans relationships with Camp Fires can be devastating! CANDLE - Oct. 24 – Nov. 22 Candles are people who really enhance dinners and late night conversations under the tent fly. They are also people you can depend on to help you find your way in the dark patches of your life. If a Candle has an intimate relationship with a Camp Fire it will be brief, intense, and devastating for the Candle. Having anything more than a very distant relationship with a Black Powder or Cap is equally dangerous for all involved. Oftentimes the help of a Candle is a necessity for any kind of satisfying relationship with a Port-o-let too. CAPS -- Nov. 23 – Dec. 21 Caps can be difficult people to get along with. It usually takes a good squeeze to get one to work with you. They must be handled gently or they just might blow up in your face; yet they need a firm hand so they do not get away from you. They are totally incompatible with Canteens and Water Buffalos. And if you want to see some sparks fly, just seat a few Caps next to a Camp Fire!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 21:52:22 +0000

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