Just got this in the newsletter from Systema HQ today: When - TopicsExpress


Just got this in the newsletter from Systema HQ today: When working with the disabled persons, this is what we need to know. Not only their movements are limited, but they are also very unsure socially and most of them are not able to integrate into society. Physical limitations of the disabled persons cause excessive psychological stress and they often face emotional crises. Hey Systema HQ! Ever thought of maybe talking to an actual disabled person before you put this sort of thing out there? Im not unsure socially (nor are the vast majority of people with disabilities I know), and Im fully integrated into society (again, like most PWD I know). While people with disabilities do tend to have a lot of psychological and emotional stress, its generally due to the asinine behavior of people WITHOUT disabilities, and the inaccessibility of society as a whole. This is much worse in many places outside the US and Canada. Saying this type of thing will make people with disabilities LESS likely to become involved in Systema, which is unfortunate, because Systema has a lot to offer to people with disabilities. The thing is, the attitude expressed in this quote shows a fundamental lack of understanding of working with people with disabilities. We are not the disabled. We are diverse individuals with lives, families, jobs, and hobbies. Some of us are new to the disability experience, some have had disabilities all, or most, of their lives. Our disabilities themselves are varied and impact us in different ways. Some have already reached a high level of proficiency in other martial arts. Yet the reality is, we are viewed as a homogenous mass of others who need help. This view is condescending and diminishes the humanity of anyone not fully able-bodied. I know many in the Systema world do not view me as disabled. This is not a compliment. My disability is simply a part of me most people would rather not see or acknowledge. Dont know whats wrong with me? Here it is. -Military service connected back injury. It was not an accident. The injury resulted in massive soft tissue and connective tissue damage. There was damage to my spinal cord and surrounding nerves. My left leg was paralyzed for 6 months, and still doesnt work quite right. Some days the pain and numbness is so bad I cant walk, only crawl. Often I cant lie down at night because of the pain, so I sleep sitting up. -Military service connected PTSD. Not combat related. Long and unpleasant story. Its still an issue. -Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. This was diagnosed after Id been out of the military a few years. Its a genetic condition that causes my body to produce defective collagen. This means my tendons and ligaments dont hold my joints together properly, leading to frequent full and partial dislocations. The result is substantial chronic pain and ever-increasing arthritis in many joints. This is me. A multiply-disabled martial artist. Want to know what its like to train with a disability, or want to talk about how to best teach us? Ask us. We do it every day.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 01:40:22 +0000

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