Just my thoughts on the folks that want to black list or boycott - TopicsExpress


Just my thoughts on the folks that want to black list or boycott Firefox because of the recent hoopla: Open Source software is a very social progressive movement not only providing free software with source code available to folks to modify, study or tinker with but it is for the betterment of mankind. One cannot simply just say that they will boycott Firefox because of this situation, simply put, Firefoxs internals are in more things than you would believe. Not to mention that if this really angers you, its really just Firefox you should be mad with, but the Open Source community as a whole - as they raised the pressure on this fella. So that would mean boycotting a lot more things than just Firefox, like pretty much abandoning your computer all together. Pretty much all websites operate on a platform that is Linux, Apache, PHP, My SQL, etc. So you would have to start convincing people to abandon those technologies and use stuff like WIndows Server with IIS - which is not Free, is not secure or as functional as the Open Source LAMP platform. Lets just say that running a webserver with Windows is horribly expensive and woefully insecure. If you want to abandon Firefox you should also abandon: Open Office, Word Press, FileZilla, Audacity, GIMP, VLC Media Player, Handbrake, Blender, 7-Zip, Notepad++, TrueCrypt, Linux, and many others. That being said, While the situation was probably not 100% fair to Mr. Eich, one has to consider that being in an Open Source project like Mozilla you have to think of the greater implications of your political opinion, and certainly if you want to donate money to campaigns that are not socially compatible with the Foundation you are leading, you should probably be an anonymous donor - just so there isnt back lash like this. Personally I am indifferent to the situation. He was taking good care of the folks that the Foundation employed - and prop 8 didnt pass, I consider that a win / win situation.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 14:03:36 +0000

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