Just over the road from home is a reserve where many people camp - TopicsExpress


Just over the road from home is a reserve where many people camp overnight, some even up to week. It is not the most hygienic spot in my opinion. WANDOO RESERVE Just over the road from my place is a reserve called Wandoo, Many people want to camp there as the district they pass on through. It’s always chockers on long week-ends, some even stay for a week, There is no ablution block, so facilities are rudimentary so to speak. People occasionally ask me for assistance they must think I’m the RAC, Some demand immediate help and some expect everything for free. Others are very genuine, like older people needing help with a tyre, Perhaps I may have a compressor or something else they may require. But it’s the long term campers and picnickers, who really fascinate me, Because it’s not the most hygienic place to sit and barbeque your tea. For everywhere around this camp-site is where people drop their faeces, There bum fodder is everywhere blowing round in dirty bits and pieces. Why they don’t go along the firebreak with a shovel has got me at a loss, Their lack of hygiene and bush etiquette really makes me cross. I mean just dig a hole and bury your crap and bury the paper too? It’s kind of similar to a flushing when using the bush as your loo. But no most will just crap anywhere like the animals they are, To take a shovel down the firebreak is taking things a step to far. The scrub beside the road must also be an utterly terrifying place, With no thought for cleanliness these people are a true disgrace. I wonder do they wash their hands after their stroll amongst the turds, And the flies swarm around their food stuffs like gigantic flocks of birds. But still they come and camp and cook and then eat their tucker here, Of the things that lie on the clearings edge they do not know or fear. The fly upon your sandwich do you care where he might have been, Perhaps ignorance is bliss if the surrounding shit you haven’t seen. Meanwhile I’ll just be careful where I ride and my horses put their feet, And I hope I dodge the spot where they bared their bums to secrete. © Corin Linch 28/12/14
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 21:43:43 +0000

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