Just saw and reviewed film below. K O R E N G A - TopicsExpress


Just saw and reviewed film below. K O R E N G A L Reviewed by Jim Channon (LTC retired) I saw another story in film today about frontline infantrymen at the same business I was in about 50 years ago. Their faces filled the screen with high definition emotions doing their best to describe a world that somehow never changes. They knew long periods of waiting while their minds could not be free of the kinetic woe that could come out of nowhere and strike them down or somehow even worse kill a friend. There is guilt with that too. What was surprising is that they maintained a certain deep and steady voice. Facing real danger that could come at anytime somehow brought reality into their language. So, many young people today babble ten words before even one of those words carves some meaning and lends distinction to the story. . They looked straight into camera. They explained what made them crazy about war. Their fortress was a bizaar combination of warehouse parts and the hillside it stood upon was full of treacherous little rock slides. Their sometimes enemy was smiling one day and attacking the next. It was a formula for psychic chaos. With Korengal you are there in this very close up way. We Americans must see what it is that we trust our government to be honorable about. I can say as a planetary elder , cultural designer, and veteran rifle platoon leader that our national leadership needs to be led to the theatre en masse and swallow this filmic truth. Some will say yes but look at how grown up these once idle teens have become. And some of those teens will say life in America needs to grow up. In the end your realize that humans under pressure can become family. This is not just a war movie it is a bone deep “check in” America. The filming and editing are patient and defining. Go face to face with another reality for a change. Jim Channon commanded five rifle platoons in four highly diverse natural settings. The Vietnam operation “hump” referred to by Chris Christopherson in this film involved Jims rifle platoon in 1966. Jim created the field manual called “Evolutionary Tactics” where soldiers learned to be directly involved with the local populace. That manual was the cause of the George Clooney and Jeff Bridges film ...”The Men Who Stare at Goats” ...now a cult favorite. Jim now coaches veterans groups to bring these men home as real veterans not handicapped and drug dependent victims. A visitor to his home this week and veteran is establishing yoga studios on Americas army posts.
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 09:14:26 +0000

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