Just when you think the Daily Mail has plumbed the deepest, - TopicsExpress


Just when you think the Daily Mail has plumbed the deepest, filthiest dregs... Free food banks? A communist plot! And you know they give food to asylum seekers too? And people who might not be on the verge of actual death through starvation? Destitution? Hunger? Poverty? Just another old sob story. It isnt enough that they create the propaganda for demonising and vilifying the poor, the disabled, the unemployed, so that right-wing governments can claim popular support for ripping down the welfare system and throwing hundreds of thousands of the already poorest and most vulnerable into destitution. No, that was just the start. Now even charity, even this last thin line of hope, of subsistence, this too must be attacked, must be vilified, must be held down and killed. If anything demonstrates that for the tories and their kind, this isnt just about economics, about politics, about budgets, even just about taking from the poor and giving it to the rich, it is this. This is pure, callous class hatred. They really do want to see the poor suffer, poverty is not enough, you must starve. They genuinely will not stop until people are dying, not in the ones and two, but in the hundreds, then the thousands. Until millions are suffering the most unbearable hunger and pain, and then they can point and say, They didnt work hard enough as they wallow in their stolen, inherited loot and laugh at the stupidity, laziness and ugliness of the poor. They enjoy to see us suffer.They hate us. They fear us, and loathe us. And they want us servile or dead. And they know that millions of selfish, greedy, shallow, corrupted, soulless sheep will fawn and crawl before them, whilst turning to put the boot in against their poorer neighbour on their behalf. They laugh at us. And so they should. Because as always we will do nothing about it. Their contempt at our weakness is justified. They are the ruling-class for a reason. And until our class, as a class, has the guts, the passion, the determination and the hate to make ourselves the ruling-class and turn those parasites into fertilizer, we will have no one to blame but each other - which is exactly what they want. As for the journalists behind this piece of poison, Simon Murphy and Sanchez Manning, Hell has a special place for you. Hope you get there soon.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 07:24:53 +0000

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