KNOWLEGE IS POWER! OUR Mission: To awaken OUR BROTHERS and - TopicsExpress


KNOWLEGE IS POWER! OUR Mission: To awaken OUR BROTHERS and SISTERS (You) to the dangers of OUR government. OUR goal: To lead YOU to true FREEDOM, PEACE, and EQUALITY. Like me, if You truly CARE for YOUR FAMILY and FRIENDS You will put yourself out there in an effort to create real change. The time is NOW! WORLD PEACE is only achievable if YOU get involved. The Danger We Face is only great if WE choose not to get involved. How IMPORTANT is MONEY to YOU? A simple search on your Smart Phone will reveal that before the great depression of 1929, U.S debt was fewer than 17 billion. Today OUR national debt currently stands at a whopping 17,344,649,888,998. That’s more than 17 TRILLION dollar’s, WE own the biggest debt on this planet. Corporations and Politicians work together to gain a monopoly over the things WE require for basic survival (THINK about what MONEY buys YOU). Debt will be handed down and paid for by YOUR children, grandchildren and many more generations to come. By any other definition, this can only be characterized as legalized SLAVERY! When will WE wake up to join OUR brothers and sisters and help take a stand for what we know is RIGHT? When the dollar crashes and we all suffer economic collapse? Or when the food stops making its way to OUR lips? Speaking of “food”, politicians and corporations have greatly undermined our food supply by genetically altering the food we eat with #GMOs (Genetically Modified Organism’s). These foods are not labeled in AMERICA, so people are unaware they even exist. Studies show GMO “food” to cause tumor growth in lab rats, while studies to prove GMO’s safe for human consumption, are virtually NONEXISTENT. You can learn more regarding GMOs on YouTube by viewing a video entitled “Seeds of Death”. THE spike in disease like CANCER and AUTISM over the past 20 years has left many feeling a little bit more than suspicious of everything we EAT, DRINK, and BREATHE. LOOK UP IN THE SKY! WE might see #Chemtrails at this very MOMENT. These are NOT clouds but a halfhearted effort to cool down the planet from global warming by spraying chemical compounds in OUR atmosphere. These sprays contain aluminum, barium, and strontium (which are dangerous to US and our ENVIROMENT). Please watch What in the World are they spraying to LEARN about the FACTS. Seeds of Death and What in The World Are They Spraying are 2 simple videos to watch that will inform you on real issues WE face. IT IS IMPORTANT TO RESEARCH THESE TOPICS and SHARE! In addition to all of this, our very own government has seen to it that we should be consuming #fluoride in our tap water, something the medical community has directly linked to the spikes in autism that has increased by 1000% over the past 20 years. Autism is a serious behavioral disorder among children that now occurs at epidemic rates. Get a drinking water quality report for YOUR city (online) to have a look at what’s in OUR water. As I see it, nothing would make humans easier to manipulate and control than a society that lacks the ability to fight back! If all this weren’t bad enough, our oceans are being polluted and contaminated with everything from crude oil to radiation from the nuclear disaster of 2011 #Fukushima, in which TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Co.) admitted radiation has been spewing into the Pacific Ocean for the past 3 years and scientist predict by April of 2014 we will see the radiation hit the coast of California. No level of radiation is good for any living creature on this planet. Many believe because they don’t visibly see the effects from radiation that they are in fact good until they have children, only to find them born with server deformities or worse. Trust me when I tell you, the time to wake up is now! With the advent of the internet, we’ve been given the ability to take all this back! But we can’t do it without your involvement! Much of this can very easily be accomplished in the voting booth by doing away with politicians that routinely get bought out by dirty corporate money and in turn work against the very people they were elected to serve and protect. Our standard of living has declined rapidly over the past 20 years and shows no signs of recovery. We all struggle just to get by, living paycheck to paycheck, while the rich and wealthy have endless access to everything and more.” On December 31, 2012 President Obama signed the NDAA (National Defense Authorization ACT) into effect. A very wordy document, set in motion to give all states the legal authority to impose indefinite detention in the event of any crisis (financial or environmental), the presidential power to declare martial law and use of military force to detain (without trial) anyone on the planet suspected of being a terrorist, including U.S citizens. Read into section 1021 of this bill. Then look into the Patriot Act which President Bush put into effect after the “terrorist attacks” of September 11. If you need any more evidence to back this up, just watch the YouTube documentary entitled, “The Obama Deception”. You can also YouTube Ron Paul (Former Presidential Candidate) who speaks out on these topics. On March 2, 2014, around 450 college students were arrested outside the Whitehouse for a peaceful protest against proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline, a HUGE money maker for the 1%. These students care for OUR environment, but thanks to the NDAA, our freedom of speech has been greatly compromised and these students will be treated as terrorists! All around the world, Russia, Mexico, Venezuela, Thailand, Egypt, etc. people are protesting and as a result, even dying for the cause, and the mainstream media (operated by the 1%) hides all these REAL issues from the general population. PLEASE SHARE THIS KNOWLEGE... It Is OUR FIRST STEP Towards Taking Care of Each other. SORRY FOR THE HUGE POST, but this thread was too good to pass up (I ACCEPT ALL CRITICISM VERY WELL)
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 17:08:46 +0000

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