Kaduna – President Goodluck Jonathan declared on Tuesday that - TopicsExpress


Kaduna – President Goodluck Jonathan declared on Tuesday that the opposition ganging up to wrestle power from the ruling Peoples Democratic Party in 2015 would crumble. The President stated this at North-West zonal rally of the PDP tagged Unity Rally held at the Ranchers Bees Stadium in Kaduna. Jonathan told the audience not to be troubled over the gang up, stressing that the PDP would emerge victorious. “We are told that some people are ganging up in different names and we assure you not to be bothered about any gang up. “From 1999, there was a gang up. Two to three parties came together; Presidential candidate from one; vice presidential candidate from one; Secretary to Government from one; all from different parties. “But they did not go anywhere. They ganged up before. They failed and they will continue to fail. The gang up will go, just like when you mix different acidic contents in a container. “Do not be worried; it is not a new thing; they will continue to gang up but they will continue to fail’’, he said. Jonathan assured that come 2015, PDP would not only retain the four states controlled by the PDP, but would take over Zamfara, Kano and Sokoto states controlled by the opposition. The President underscored the importance of the North-West zone in the political setting of the country having 25 per cent of the entire population of the country. The President said that the unity rally was not a political campaign but a gathering designed to re- unite the party members and to welcome new members. He noted that in the history of great political parties known in the globe, “they do not change everyday like a rock passing through metamorphorsis,’’ citing the African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa, which he said was over 103 years old and had remained ANC from inception. “If a party keeps changing colours and changing names, you should know that such party has nowhere to go. “Be committed to PDP, you are in PDP, you are in the right place to be. “PDP is the only party that can lead us to where we want to go. PDP is the only democratic party that anybody can rise up to the highest level in the party and in the country. “Other parties will not give me and you the opportunity to be where we want to go. So, continue to support the PDP and continue to be with the PDP.’’ Jonathan assured that the PDP would continue to remain stable and committed to the development of the country. He also assured that the administration would continue to tackle insecurity particularly in some parts of the north. (NAN)
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 16:54:09 +0000

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