Katie on: When people see some things as good, other things become - TopicsExpress


Katie on: When people see some things as good, other things become bad. When they believe their thoughts, people divide reality into opposites. They think that only certain things are beautiful. But to a clear mind, everything in the world is beautiful in its own way. Only by believing your own thoughts can you make the real unreal. If you dont separate reality into categories by naming it and believing that your names are real, how can you reject anything or believe that one thing is of less value than another? The minds job is to prove that what it thinks is true, and it does that by judging and comparing this to that. What good is a this to the mind if it cant prove it with a that? Without proof, how can a this or a that exist? For example, if you think that only Mozart is beautiful, theres no room in your world for rap. Youre entitled to your opinion, of course, but other people think that rap is where its at. How do you react when you believe that rap is ugly? You grit your teeth when you hear it, and when you have to listen (maybe youre a parent or a grandparent), youre in a torture chamber. I love that when mind is understood, theres room for rap as well as for Mozart. I dont hear anything as noise. To me, a car alarm is as beautiful as a bird singing. Its all the sound of God. By its very nature, the mind is inWnite. Once it has questioned its beliefs, it can Wnd beauty in all things; its that open and free. This is not a philosophy. This is how the world really is. If you believe that anyones action is bad, how can you see the good in it? How can you see the good that comes out of it, maybe years later? If you see anyone as bad, how can you understand that we are all created equal? Were all teachers by the way we live. A blind drunk can teach more about why not to drink than an abstinent man in all his piety. No one has more or less goodness. No one who ever lived is a better or a worse human being than you. A mind that doesnt question its judgments makes the world very small and dangerous. It must continue to Wll the world with bad things and bad people, and in doing so it creates its own suVering. The worst thing that ever happened exists only in the past, which means that it doesnt exist at all. Right now, its only a stressful thought in your mind. Good things, bad things; good people, bad people. These opposites are valid only by contrast. Could it be that whatever seems bad to you is just something you havent seen clearly enough yet? In reality--as it is in itself--every thing, every person, lies far beyond your capacity to judge. Once you no longer believe your own thoughts, you act without doing anything, because theres no other possibility. You see that all thoughts of yourself as the doer are simply not true. I watch the hand that I call mine move toward the teacup. It has such intelligence, glides through the air so purposefully, arrives at the cup, Wngers close around the handle, hand lifts cup, brings it to the lips, tilts it, tea Xows into mouth, ahh. And all the time, no one is doing it. The doer is quite another, the one beyond the story of I am. Things seem to arise, and the Master lets them go because theyre already gone. This apparent letting-go is not some saintly act of surrender. Its just that nothing ever belonged to her in the Wrst place. How could she not let go of what doesnt exist except as the story of a past or a future? She has only what she believes herself to have, so she has nothing, she needs nothing. She acts and waits for the miracle of what is, expecting nothing that would spoil the surprise. When her work is done, she forgets it, because theres nothing to remember. Its done. Its gone. She cant see what doesnt exist. Was her work good or bad? How ridiculous! Did it penetrate deeply or have no eVect whatsoever? As if that were any of her business! Will it last forever? Did it last even for an instant?
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 01:03:58 +0000

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