Keetans craniotomy seems so far away and yet it is at the edge of - TopicsExpress


Keetans craniotomy seems so far away and yet it is at the edge of our lives and creeps in periodically when we least expect it. It seems to have become a part of our family and changed us. Some of the changes are for the good and others are a reminder to cherish the moments we have. Today we went school supply shopping. This is one of the things that Keetan really gets into! He loves school and this time is a tradition that signals the start of school. As we were shopping, he noted last year how this was his first trip out with people after his surgery and how tired he had felt. At dinner tonight something astonishing happened. For the first time in a year Conner told his version of the events. He talked and talked recounting details through his eyes. He talked about the night that he woke to EMS workers coming into our house and seeing Keetan loaded up and taken away, seeing tears in his dad’s eyes and thinking that Keetan could very well die. He told about things his papa and him did for that long hospital stay…the swimming, eating a huge burrito at a special place, being able to find his way around the huge hospital, long walks with papa, seeing Keetan after surgery, and the first time Keetan talked to him. His memory is so crystal clear. We were able to laugh and joke. I couldn’t help but feel it was one more step in our healing process! At the time we found out about Keetan’s brain tumor I was so angry…I just wanted something that we could fight. I remember telling God, “Really, a brain tumor! There are so many things Keetan could fight through.” Today, as I hear of more kids with brain tumors I realize that he could have had one that was far more aggressive, one that was inoperable. Although I don’t know what is ahead, I resolve to count my blessings… I am thankful for Keetan recovering from something as major as this. I am thankful for the health of my children. I am thankful for having 13 years of amazing times with two great children. I am thankful for their resiliency and that never quit attitude. I am thankful for their smiles and laughter. It is important that no matter what cards are dealt that we focus on the positive, we live life to the fullest, and we don’t take the small things for granted.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 00:45:22 +0000

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