Ken Emfinger Sr. Good morning friends and brethren, It is - TopicsExpress


Ken Emfinger Sr. Good morning friends and brethren, It is 05:45 and I am up bright eyed and bushy tailed, as my Mother use to say. The pain is gone in my left shoulder mostly with the right still being stubborn, wanting me to know that it is still there. Do not understand why it has to bellyache constantly, but life is what it is, isnt it. So I am going to do my best to say, Shoulder. Go ahead. You are no longer going to control me. But I dare not say it too loud, for rather than just being a bellyache, it may develop a migraine headache on top of that, so I am not going to become puffed up with pride, thinking that I can do this on my own; I cannot. Everything coming our way throughout life is seen, heard, and hopefully, discerned upon. As we become older, we realize our mortality as the body begins its final natural decay until we return to dust. Scripture says that He will not overload us beyond that which we can bear, and I believe what He, our Father, has told us. I think of Job, a contemporary with Abraham. I think of Reginald C Gardner, a dear brother and friend, and how as Job, lost everything in a blur before his spirit could discern why the first loss occurred. Ten real estate businesses in Idaho, falling flat overnight due to the housing bubble burst. Finding this out, he goes home, walks through the door, and before one word comes from his mouth, she collapses dead before his eyes. His son then murders Reggies mother, shooting her in the head. His son is in prison and Reggie cannot even ask him the question, Why? No. My ailments in life are tiny indeed tiny in comparison with many of my brethren, some diseased unto death. But we are all diseased unto death. The difference between Christians and those who are not is very simple to understand. They have obeyed Gods Word Spoken unto them through Holy Scripture. They have the true hope, that one way as Christ said, in which the Heavenly Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, will walk and talk once again to them who were once lost due to Adam listening to the lie offered by the Author of All Lies. That is the Hope, and that hope will not make us ashamed, for in all things, though we fail Him miserably, our spirit cries unto Him, Abba, Father. We will be delivered beyond this first death from the 2nd and final death, and that is the Lake of Fire and Sulfur. If one tried to imagine that in their mind, raging fire all about, and we are in it, and our being is wretched with the rankness of sulfur, forever filling our lungs, that should awaken everyone out of their sleep, and start seeking Him now.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 11:09:10 +0000

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