Ken George came up with this idea which could solve a lot of - TopicsExpress


Ken George came up with this idea which could solve a lot of problems. Share it with everyone you know. Now, here’s an idea that could solve a lot of our problems, not just immigration. It occurred to me that one way to get America back on track and working again, is to take on a national project that all Americans can get behind. Something that could benefit all of us, something to talk about, and something we could take pride in. It has to be something big and long lasting. I thought about the Hoover Damn, the Interstate System, The TVA, projects that were built over a long period of time, that benefited America in a large way, while creating jobs and economic activity. Below is a rendering, I made, of such a project. It begins with a parallel set of 30’ high walls, with highways atop, stretching between the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean. In between those walls would be a deep water, navigable canal. In the canal would be electric generating windmills every 50 yards (280,000 windmills) On the 4 walls of the 2 highways, would be solar collectors. (1.6 billion square yards) Here are a few facts I derived from the design: • The canal, 100 yards wide, would cut 5600 miles off the trip from LA to Miami, which now goes through the Panama Canal • The electricity generated would be the anchor for an electrical grid stretching North. • In the two walls would be oil, gas and a large water pipeline. At the Mississippi, would be the largest pump ever built, to push water, in times of floods to the Southwest, where it is sorely needed. But it would mainly be used to reduce flooding throughout the Midwest and Louisiana. Oil and gas from the Gulf Region, could be delivered to refineries throughout the South and West. • The walls would secure the boarder and make it infinitely easier to police. Boarder security would be ensured. • The walls and the canal would be built mostly by hand, making bricks from the local sand and mortar. The goal would be to change dramatically our unemployment system to an “employment” system. All the money we currently use for unemployment would be diverted to jobs making bricks and digging. It also would be funded by selling the concessions for the electricity, canal usage fees, and highway tolls. • This would be a long term project, taking some 40 years to complete, not unlike our interstate system. It would cost hundreds of billions of dollars a year, but funded mainly by our current unemployment outlays. Eventually, all that money would come back to the treasury in fees, concessions, leases, and tolls. It would solve a lot of problems America is now facing. • And just like all big projects, the economic activity up and down the length of the wall would be immense. Whole cities would pop up to service the 3 million workers that the project could sustain. Housing, businesses, and tax revenue would be created. I know its pie in the sky, but its time we think outside the box, think long term, and think what’s best for America.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 16:46:35 +0000

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