Kenyan Articulation &Demystification of Thoughts I speak my mind - TopicsExpress


Kenyan Articulation &Demystification of Thoughts I speak my mind because I cannot bite my tongue; Therefore, I cannot censor myself to comfort your ignorance. OF MR. RUTO AND THE 100 NUMBER The cartoon which has generated controversy in Parliament/ COURT The sh400M Vice President’s official residence in Karen He is known by manyas the ‘hustler’ politician who joined hands with Uhuru Kenyatta to form the Jubilee Coalition which went ahead to win the 4th March 2013 elections and to form the next government of the republic of Kenya. Since being elected to his helm of deputy presidency, Mr. William Ruto has been catching media attention form any eccentric reasons. The fact that he was elected as an ICC inductee alongside his ‘boss’ President Uhuru Kenyatta was enough to add salt to the already spiraling eccentricities around him during and after the recent general elections until now. Welcome to the odd world of Mr. William Ruto the ICC inductee cum Kenyan Vice President. He calls himself the ‘hustler’ a word he uses to equate himself with the common human being, that is, the common Mwananchi. This makes him draw massive sympathy from the public which results in a great liking for him. He is one of the slyest politicians around this side of the Sahara who commits massive nastiness under the guise of impunity, yet camouflages the acts in a demeanor of innocence and inviolability, a show which many of his followers buy under the influence of massive sycophancy and simple brainwash. Only a few Kenyans have known what kind of a politician he is and have not become victims of his hypocritical world. Last week, he was making headlines in the courts after he was charged with’ trespassing’ and ordered to return the 100 acres of land he had grabbed from a2007 PEV victim in Uasin Gishu County and also to pay sh5 million on top as compensation to the victim by the name of Adrian Muteshi. The word ‘trespass’ is defined b ydictionary as a wrongful entry upon the lands of another whereas the same dictionary defines the word ‘grabbing’ as ‘to seize illegally or unscrupulously’ (land, property etc.)Therefore, what the courts meant simply is that Mr. Ruto grabbed land that was not initially his, and this was substantiated by the fake title deeds that head gone ahead to acquire for the ownership of the same land that was not initially his. The courts maintained civility as usual by terming the act as’ trespassing’ (despite it being the formal legal term), whereas Kenyans are more familiar with the term land term ‘grabbing,’ which exacts more emphasis on the act of crime committed forthwith, which is denial of a person’s rights to property by coercion and force. Just the other day, news emerged that he had hired a sh100Mprivate jet on his shuttled diplomacy to West Africa in a bid to draw support from African countries to petition the AU to have the ICC cases deferred to Kenya or Arusha, Tanzania. More so, the news doing rounds right now is that his official residential house in Karen, which cost the taxpayer sh400M to build, will further be refurbished for a staggering sh100M!Initially, the amount was sh200M which included the installation of bullet-proof windows, an idea which was later shelved. The number 100 has become a tag on the forehead of Mr. William Ruto. This has earned him nicknames like Mr. Soo Soo, arap Wamahindi, not withstanding the nickname Mc Fatcob which is popular within the comedy sector under the XYZ TV series. What we have in him is a hustler (read thief) who has been slyly endearing himself to the masses. It will take a courageous Kenyan to go ahead and rub the number 100 mark of impunity on his forehead
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 06:12:03 +0000

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