Know Your health conditions around Color Nails Saturday, May 18, - TopicsExpress


Know Your health conditions around Color Nails Saturday, May 18, 2013 10:45 Vemale - A woman can spend hours just to do the manicure or pedicure at the salon. And cut nails as they pleased and daub paint colors on it. In fact, if not satisfied, then the fake nails can be installed so that the fingers become more slender when they want to go to an event. Considered trivial, it turns out that for growing healthy nails because the calcium intake of protein and provide more benefits than just sticking in fingers alone. If you look again, sometimes the nail color changes. And the color change is related to the health condition of your body. As reported Shape, there are some hints that health can be known only by looking at the color of the nail only. Well, then try removing your nail polish and observe how the color. Pale nails Nails are usually slightly bluish and pale colors are not semerona normally. This suggests that you may be experiencing anemia, iron deficiency or are in need of more oxygen. If you experience this, it is recommended that you eat a variety of foods that contain high iron. Increase your intake of green vegetables, beans, and red meat. In addition, if the pale color last longer, then maybe this is a sign you are suffering from diabetes or liver disease. To ensure your condition, health check to the doctor, especially if there are other symptoms that arise as well. Thickened and yellowish Nail that looks like this, of course it is not pretty. And generally toenails often look yellowish and thick. According to Dr. Agarwal, thickening and discoloration of nails yellow indicates a fungal infection of the foot. This fungal infection can be cured by taking certain medications, you can consult with a dermatologist. Blackened nails Suddenly appear as dark spots on the nails that can not be lost and as emerging from within. Be careful if you experience this. Blackish color can be a sign that you have melanoma. Even so, you should really intense examination. Because menghitamnya nails can also be caused by a fall or hit with a blunt object hard. Nail uneven surface Did you ever find the nail surface is not flat, and even worse like orange peel are porous and holes? Nail conditions that are stress this could mean psoriasis symptoms that make your nails look stunted and damaged nails. Generally, the affected nail psoriasis is growing very old. Nails are thin and brittle Do not underestimate the nails are too thin and brittle. This may indicate that your thyroid hormone deficiency. Usually these symptoms are also accompanied with severe hair loss. Nails with white stripes There is a thin line of white horizontally on the nail. And he never lost, even more and more obvious. This condition indicates the body is lack of protein, there are problems in the liver, or even less nutrients showed no interference with the kidney. Generally, this occurs for weeks or months and disappear by itself. Blue nails In contrast to the pale when alone, this uneven nails blue and darker blue. Not easily disappear and fingers are not cold. It occurs when the body lacks oxygen or no interference with breathing. Can also occur when the blood circulation around the hand area of substandard or tied too long on an object that causes oxygen stalled. If this condition is left alone, then slowly the cells within the tissue will be damaged. (Vem / bee)
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 10:34:14 +0000

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