Knowing your numbers and your charts is the ”cutting edge”, - TopicsExpress


Knowing your numbers and your charts is the ”cutting edge”, you need to excel in your life. How? Name check – financial, emotional and spiritual excellence in life – 9 charts are made out if it. Date plus month plus the year of birth – the aura that surrounds us. The luck factor that can be enhanced methodically to attract better people, prospects, and more. Luck is never gained by chance. It’s a process. Time cycles – to predict the past, what and why of our today, and what and when of our future. Plus the 3 foundation stones of a numerology reading. 1. The repetitive challenges that one will face in this life – our karmic lessons. 2. The incomplete tasks that we left form our past lives and the way to complete and remedy our future success. Our karmic debts. 3. The existence of “master numbers “, in our charts. The special hidden power to battle huge odds / enhance current powers to a different level altogether. The pearl harbor attack – 7 . 12 .1941 7 is ketu – a number of alienation/ limitation of money power and relationship. Date + month + year – 16/7. A karmic debt number of divorce through war. United states of America. – is 77…two 7’s just as in the date and the full lie path of the day….s when 4 ketus collide, disaster happens. 7 + 7 is 14 – a karmic debt number. 4 = 1 is 5 a number of change. So when 4 7’s collide it’s a negative effect due to the karmic debt number and big change will happen which will be very negative to start with but good for the future. Have a client in long island in the US who got effected by a similar force in 1977 and lost his whole empire. Today he’s back in action, stronger, bigger than ever. If the numbers can hit a country, imagine what they do to our lives. Get a reading done…”get your edge”. So what’s ahead in 2014 – 7……ketu for the whole year, the whole world.……well more later. Much more at agraneeh, sachinnssharma.
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 06:49:09 +0000

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