LEROYS CARIBBEAN FLU REMEDIES (including his) Flu season is - TopicsExpress


LEROYS CARIBBEAN FLU REMEDIES (including his) Flu season is upon us and it is high time for some Caribbean holistic remedies for the common cold. If you thought that the stuff you got from your parents and grand parents was all mystical hocus-pocus – you were almost right. I mean, you have to give the Caribbean older folk a lot of credit. General remedies - Our first stop on the cold season’s road to recovery is the Vick’s Vapor Rub. Sounds normal until your overbearing granny rubs so much into your chest that you can feel your lungs start to freeze and get hot at the same time, while your epidermis slowly begins to melt away. But the drama hasn’t started yet. Next she forces you to drink tea made from an herb called Cerasee or pum-koolie. Then there is Buckley’s White Mixture, a serum company founded in Canada in 1920, and well known around world especially and including the Caribbean. A bottle can be found in almost every household cabinet in the Caribbean. The Dominican Republic: Honey and lemon mixed with a blended onion for coughing and chest congestion Jamaica: Boil Rose Hips together with garlic for about 20 minutes. Add lemon for the citrus agents and honey to mask the taste, then sip the tea. Haiti: Add a couple of onions to a cup of brown sugar then heat until it develops into a syrup (be careful not to mix). Then, take two teaspoons, followed by Vick’s vapor rub over the chest, back and nose Trinidad & Tobago: Chew raw ginger for one or two days, in conjunction with a tea made from fever grass, also known as lemon grass or citronella. The Fisherman’s Friend brand of cough drops helps as well. Montserrat A good dose of pum-koolie (cereasee) boil it with a little salt, ram goat bush and fever grass (lemon grass) Drink first thing in the morning and last thing at night. LEROYS REMEDY A double dose of strong laxatives. Hey!!!! do you really wonder if this will work.. you bet it would!!! who would want to cough or sneeze after taking a double doze of laxatives!!!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 04:48:19 +0000

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