LEXINGTON GREEN and CONCORD could happen at anytime... SHEEPDOG vs - TopicsExpress


LEXINGTON GREEN and CONCORD could happen at anytime... SHEEPDOG vs SHEEPDOG The purpose of The UNORGANIZED MILITIA required under 10 U.S. Code § 311 - Militia is to ENFORCE our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws upon our elected Republican and Democrat usurpers and despots; as well as their hired Federal alphabet soup of corruption, constitutional contempt and treachery, coercion, oppression, and subjugation like we all witnessed in Bunkerville Nevada, where our Militia Freedom Force Brothers and Sisters in arms saved the LIVES of HUNDREDS of Americans at the clutches of the U.S. Government Federal agents of tyranny, coercion, oppression, and subjugation. This exact same sort of tyranny is happening all over the Union today; with the likes of the Lois Lerner/John Koskinen IRS corruption LIARs who headed an organization ENTIRELY in contempt of the findings and rulings of The Supreme Court of the United States, the Fast and Furious Eric Holder DOJ and their ATF henchmen, the Constitutionally Ninth and Tenth Amendments UNLAWFUL ObamaCare HHS, the skyrocket your utility bills EPA and DOE, the BIG BROTHER NSA, and nearly the entire balance hired by Congress and/or the Executive branch. See: youtu.be/iHiJ07GodXA In Dixie County Florida Terry Trussell, the Grand Jury foreman was arrested a few weeks ago for DOING HIS CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY as a Grand Jury member and foreman AND FOR SHOWING UP IN COURT AS REQUIRED! The Judge and State Attorney are trying to put him away for SEVENTY YEARS for doing his duty under Constitutional law. Terry Trussell was calling together the Common Law Grand Jury to investigate public official CORRUPTION and TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in bribery of elected and non-elected officials trying to FORCE Common Core on the students and parents of Dixie County. See: jasonwhoyt/blog/2014/9/13/exclusive-in-depth-interview-with-terry-trussell-arrested-by-a-corrupt-judiciary Numerous American Militia Freedom Forces Units, east of the Mississippi are on STANDBY at this time, pending developments in Dixie County and the plight of the honorable and noble Terry Trussell Dixie County Common Law Grand Jury Foreman who is in the clutches of Judicial branch tyrants and despots who are ENTIRELY in CONTEMPT for the Rule of OUR Constitutional laws that We The People, according to the Preamble of The Constitution, ordained and established UPON THEM, to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity; So Help US God. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The American Militia Freedom Forces, West of the Mississippi, are on STANDBY pending the CURRENT initial efforts by the U.S. Government to lay siege to 1.8 MILLION ACRES of land in Nevada, blocking all vehicular traffic to starve out American families, including the Cliven and Carol Bundy Ranch/family and their children, in the Bunkerville / Clark County area. This U.S. Government attack on the American people of Nevada and upon our Constitutional laws is HAPPENING NOW. Western American Militia Freedom Forces are gearing up now for deployment to ensure that vehicular traffic through Clark County is unimpeded by the U.S. Government and to Support and Defend our American Countrymen and The Constitution, at this time. If the U.S. Government wouldnt have surrendered to our American Militia Freedom Forces the last time and begged for a safe escort off of the field of battle, every one of them were in our scopes. The battle would have been over in less than 30 seconds. IF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT INSISTS ON THIS BATTLE again, in the Bunkerville / Clark County area, trying to starve out American families and to eviscerate our Ninth and TENTH Amendment Constitutional laws ON THEM, IT WILL BE SHEEPDOG vs SHEEPDOG May God Save Our Free, Independent and SOVEREIGN American States which form a more perfect Union of fifty Countries called, as guaranteed under Article IV Section 4 of The Constitution to each one of our home Countries, The REPUBLIC, meaning limited to eighteen powers and spending privileges that We The People itemized for them under Article I Section 8, pursuant to our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws which WE ordained and established UPON THEM. If you want WAR, just keep on disobeying our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws that WE ordained and established upon you, because Judgement Day is coming. The days of buying elections from the American voting MOB with our IRS stolen wages, salaries and property of our own labor, against the findings and rulings of The Supreme Court of The United States, and additionally, placing upon us and our children and grandchildren TRILLIONS in public debt and UNFUNDED liabilities, and eviscerating our INDIVIDUAL Rights, States Rights, Individual American Middle Class wealth and prosperity, State and popular SOVEREIGNTY (over YOU), ARE over! OUR Sheepdogs are ready, willing and able to DIE for our Constitutional Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws over you. And, they are fine marksmen. - Capt. Karl
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 21:07:03 +0000

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