LIES ABOUT FAITH MONEY AND PROSPERITY Matt 6:24 No man can serve - TopicsExpress


LIES ABOUT FAITH MONEY AND PROSPERITY Matt 6:24 No man can serve two masters:..Ye cannot serve God and mammon. KJV The first part of our series dealt with 6 lies on Responsibility for The State of Nigeria. We are now on our series on Faith, Money and Prosperity. There are 5 lies on this subject, and we will be dealing with each of these lies in our subsequent posts. (Lie No 7-10) It is vital to reestablish the truth about this subject. God declares that if men serve money, they cannot serve God. Mammon contends for God’s position in the lives of men. God’s will is frustrated in the lives of any generation of Christians who fail to preach, teach and deal with money in line with God’s plan. Sadly, this is the situation in Nigeria - mammon has taken over. Money has been elevated beyond its God-ordained place in the affairs of most churches and the lives of most Christians. In several ways, we are serving mammon in the Nigerian church. If we want God’s plan in our lives and nation, we must unseat mammon and return to God. LIE NO 7: Financial prosperity is prime evidence that God is pleased with you. THE TRUTH: While money is useful and valuable, it is not a measure of whether God is pleased with a person or not. There are many poor Christians that God is pleased with just as there are also rich Christians with whom God is pleased. There are many rich Christians that God is angry with, just as there are many poor Christians that God is unhappy with. The weight of our wallet does not determine where we stand with God and should not determine our standing, position and role in church. Sadly, this is not the case. Gain should not be equated to godliness. Three critical truths have been distorted in the bid to make the rich comfortable: The bible makes it plain that the path to great riches is often laden with compromise, and that those intent on being rich MAY be putting their souls in jeopardy. God is not against riches or the wealthy, but He counsels caution in our quest for wealth. These warnings are even more important in a country such as Nigeria where brazen demands for bribes await businessmen at every turn. THESE LIES MUST STOP IS NOT ESPOUSING POVERTY, NEITHER ARE WE DISPARAGING RICHES. But don’t be deceived; it is harder for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for the rich to be on the right side of eternity. But thank God, Jesus made it clear that though difficult, it is possible. What is dangerous is this unrestrained preaching of prosperity without the balancing counsels of caution and concomitant teachings on integrity, and an emphasis that Christians must live above bribery and corruption
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 05:04:05 +0000

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