LOVE SUFFERS LONG AND IS KIND...IS NOT PROVOKED...ENDURES ALL THINGS. 1 CORINTHIANS 13:4-7 NKJV Heart Prints When William McKinley campaigned for president, he was hounded by an impoverished young reporter who continually attacked him. One bitterly cold night the reporter, who didnt have a winter coat, sat shivering outside the coach the future president was traveling in. When McKinley saw him he stopped and said, Here, put on my overcoat and ride inside with me. But you dont know who I am, the reporter stammered, Ive been ripping you to pieces. I know who you are, it makes no difference, McKinley replied. Put on my coat and come inside where its warm. Thats love in action! When Jesus was teaching His disciples about going the extra mile He said, If any man...take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also (Mt 5:40). Margaret Mead said, Never believe that a few caring people cant change the world, indeed thats all who ever have. That night William McKinley touched a young mans life, because Love suffers long, and is kind. We leave fingerprints on whatever we touch-walls, furniture, doorknobs, dishes, and books. Theres no escape; when we touch anything we leave our identity on it. So today pray, Lord, wherever I go let me leave heart prints! Heart prints of understanding, love, kindness, and genuine concern. May my heart touch a lonely neighbor, a runaway son or daughter, an anxious mother, or aging grandfather. And if somebody should say, I felt your touch, may it be because they sensed Your love through me.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 12:04:20 +0000

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