LOYAL, SON OF NEW ORLEANS, HUGHLEY boo booSTUART PASSED ON Today, we the people of New Orleans, are mourning, the loss of our dearly beloved, friend and teammate, Hughley boo boo former captain of Beverley Hills football club, friend, barber,a loyal son of the new Orleans community, a well loved member of the Stuart family! an much wider than the New Orleans community, its with grief an tears in my eyes, that iam writing. Hughley, whom we called boo boo, affectionately,will be sadly missed by all hes had contact with, he was a passive horse racing, fan besides soccer, I remember being a young member of the Beverley Hills team, an being guided an nurtured by boo, he asked no quarter an he gaved non,I recall quite a few run ins with boo under his captaincy, one night I spoke of my exploits on the field after we had won boo, interject do you think your one was playing, another time me again boo, told me about some things that I was doing that was wrong so I asked him why then you select me for he replied you want me to play with 10 men boo was sharp an witty,he never gave you space to be complacent, thats the person he was. Boo, was a professional barber, as he took his profession, quite seriously as he offered his services to his many clients who quite often returned an recommend others,no one touched my hair but boo, until I migrated an even when I return I would have a cut.Boo boo, would be sadly missed by us all at this time of sorrow, my sincere condolences,to his sister Angela brothers Malcolm and Rodger at their time of mourning, may he rest in peace amen.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 19:08:34 +0000

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