LUNACY: PART 96 Were the V8STs and the NZ V8 Touring cars really - TopicsExpress


LUNACY: PART 96 Were the V8STs and the NZ V8 Touring cars really both at Hampton Downs together over the weekend? Impossible to tell from the media reports — nobody appears to have tied the two categories together. From what I can fathom: — There were 11 V8 ST and were the star class for the feature race the Waikato 400. — There were 13 NZ V8 Touring Cars along as a support category. Neither fields were strong enough — but combined they would have been. Confusing for the spectators would be the fact that V8 ST look like Holdens and Fords, but arent, while NZ V8s have real Fords, real Holdens, real Toyotas and real Nissans. Even more confusing is that both categories contained a real mix of local and Australian talent. With star-studded fields, how many spectators were there? What was the atmosphere in the pits like? Did they have separation to avoid confrontation and bloodshed? This clearly is lunacy. If you were there, what were your impressions in terms of the dynamics of the racing and the size of the crowd? This situation again highlights, not only the lack of management of the sport, but also a lack of credible, interested media. We need media who would have gone to the meeting, reported on the quality of the fields, compared V8ST and NZV8 Touring cars and generally acted as a real critic, highlighting good and bad. Todays motorsport media largely seems, toothless, PR based, only interested in writing spam about the category they are paid to write about and make no comment or judgement. Thats part of the issue I am afraid. Was the Hampton Downs meeting reported anywhere except the self-interested websites and the paid-for PR on TV3? I think I am correct that this was only the second, maybe the third time that the two warring categories have appeared at the same circuit at the same meeting. At the start of the season, Hampton Downs was the perfect opportunity for any journalist, with an interest in the sport, to present to followers and the interested public, a balanced view of the pros and cons of both categories, the reaction of the public to each class, to draw attention to the ongoing foolishness and to suggest solutions. Are there any journalists capable and, or interested enough? It doesnt seem so. But there appear to be any number who are prepared to accept free passes, inhabit the press rooms and accept the hospitality, but are any of these prepared to do anything else than schmooze?
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 22:05:43 +0000

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