Ladies~ Have you been hurt by gossip? Do you tear others - TopicsExpress


Ladies~ Have you been hurt by gossip? Do you tear others down? When you ‘throw mud’ at another person’s reputation (even if the thing is true about them) it doesn’t make you any better for having done so … and it makes your own hands dirty. If we would only repeat things that we would want said about us, behind our backs, if the shoe was on the other foot, less would be spread. *It’s simple really; if you don’t want to be mocked, gossiped about, put down, maligned, and have your faults, weaknesses, sins, and failures exposed don’t do those same things to others. Gossip hurts and ruins would-be relationships. When someone gossips to you, it makes you not trust that same ‘reliable source’ when your back is turned. We may enjoy and even crave hearing the ‘inside story’ today, but down the road when something’s going on in our lives and we see that same friend whispering in the corner to someone else … what will go through our mind then? Sadly we’ve all been there and done that. No doubt we have all been on both sinful ends of repeating and receiving gossip at some point in our lives. We have all said things that should never have been said. Let’s strive to have a pure heart and mouth and give the respect to others that they/we so desperately want. It hurts to live out these high standards; after all if you won’t spread or listen to gossip …. you will be marked and left out of ‘the circle.’ But you will be blessed and used by God and deep down inside people will learn that they can really trust you with their reputation; and that builds respect and integrity. “Whoever belittles his neighbor lacks sense, but a man of understanding remains silent. Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets, but he who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing covered.” (Proverbs 11:12-13). “A dishonest man spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends” (Proverbs 16:28). “An evildoer listens to wicked lips, and a liar gives ear to a mischievous tongue” (Proverbs 17:4). “Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses” (Proverbs 10:12).
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 09:50:55 +0000

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