Ladies and Gentleman Welcome to the season of Scams, Hometown PC - TopicsExpress


Ladies and Gentleman Welcome to the season of Scams, Hometown PC Repair would like to give you all some advise and please share it with all of your friends it could save you money. 1.There is a scam going round that they caller is from Microsoft and they are calling to inform you that your PC is infected with a dangerous Virus and they will direct you to a folder that contains logs of error codes, this is a standard folder that holds every error code your PC has from launch apps that failed to hitting the wrong button on a program, this folder has absolutely nothing to do with a dangerous virus 2. Please be careful when installing Programs on your PC read every window of the installer, especially if it a free program. these free programs are being paid for by third party vendors to get the free installer to load junk on to your PC any good legitimate software company will give you a chance to decline the service(hints the reason to read every window.). decline if you are given the chance 3. just because you have a Virus Scanner on your PC does not mean it is doing the job to the fullest, yes those that run in the background do catch a few viruses, but when you install a program you override your virus scanner and it can install third party software. 4. Viruses and Spyware are not the same thing so virus scanners will not catch spyware, and spyware scanners do not remove viruses. so Make sure you have a spyware scanner. 5. CCleaner is a great tool as well it stops the spyware from finding the info it is looking for. so best advice a can give. 1. run your virus clean and your spyware scanner once a week 2. run CCleaner everyday. 3. do all your Windows Updates 4. Java, Shock player, Adobe Flash, are all legit so updating them are OK. 5. paying for Virus scanners is like paying extortion money to gangsters as long as you pay your OK but when you stop you have troubles. 6. if you are unsure of how to use your scanners go to Youtube and use this ti find help type in How to Use then the name of the program, choose the video with the highest views. and if it is a kid and he has tons of views listen to them they must be doing something right to get those views. 7. have a good tech you can turn to if there are issues beyond your abilities, dont be afraid to ask for help. honest PC Repair shops will take the time to show you how to use your virus tools if they dont then they are relying on you not to run your protection so you will come back for another clean-up. always ask for them to show you how to use it. the old adage if it sounds to good to be true then it is. if you need some help give us a call ill be glad to show you how to protect yourself.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 23:19:58 +0000

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