Ladies and gentlemen, in recent times politicians talk a lot about - TopicsExpress


Ladies and gentlemen, in recent times politicians talk a lot about the opposition of the President of Georgia and the Government of our country. In this discussion, the formal engagement took even Bidzina Ivanishvili, but I have not heard about this issue, the whole truth. Some people think that this conflict is associated with a desire for revenge national movement and to return to power, despite the fact that Giorgi Маргвелашвили is a member of the coalition Georgian Dream and personally selected Ivanishvili, he is a man of Bidzina Ivanishvili. Other people explain these events differently, they see this as a confrontation between the nature of the personal struggle and believe that the President wants to be with the Government in the mode of competition, confrontation, wanting to interfere with his work. Ms. Salome Bagrationi suggested what Ivanishvili execute the order of the Russian government and its intelligence agencies, in the sense it not only he changes the foreign policy vector of Georgia, but also to force the Georgian people to abandon the democratic choice of the establishment of the legal system of democratic government, to ensure that in conditions for the existence of an authoritarian and not the legal system of the Soviet penal control easier to return Georgia to the authoritarian slavery from the Russian Empire. In spite of this, I have not heard that someone called the real causes of this political conflict. It is now, I will. In Georgia, my opinion on this issue is the most competent, because I have never worked for any office in this or that party or public office, I have never depended on them, and never used their financial capacity. This, of course, applies to authoritarian not legal national movement, which, after 2004, I was in a constant struggle for life and death. Its can not said about yourself, the majority of politicians in Georgia, including those who are now in power, including Bidzina Ivanishvili. In addition, I have always been a supporter of good relations with Russia if Georgia and Russia would refuse the communist system and began carry out democratic reform of the state system. To achieve these goals, since 1985 I have been struggling with any authoritarian power, while the majority of existing in Georgia parties, which advocates Russian political forces, for many years, they have waged a war against Russia, and fought against it, including in 2008. Dear friends, we are all well aware that a permanent protest each of us against the government in recent decades, mainly originate by reason of the existence of an authoritarian system of criminal the state, and those politically criminal results that our people got from it. Which is why our nation and the country have were under constant terror, was robbed and destroyed the people and country. Nation and the country was destroyed on ethnicity. We remember, especially residents of Gori that the election program of Bidzina Ivanishvili was clearly told to he change the political system of criminal mafia government. Bidzina himself said that his goal is to create an institutional democracy in Georgia, which will work only on the basis of the law and the Constitution. This automatically excludes the existence of the not legal system the state, regardless of whether it exists in the form of sole control of illegal official or collective management of one-party state. In other words, Lisa Shuvalovs telling the truth, that the legal system of governance implies that all branches of government and state institutions should work only on the basis of the Constitution and the law, and not to perform subjective desires of a man who works at the high post. That is why in the civilized world, for example, the President of the United States is afraid of the police, if it violates the rules of the road. Accordingly, the Administration of the President of Georgia, Government, Parliament, the judiciary and the press of the country should be guided in their activities only by the requirements and provisions of the Constitution and international law, rather than departmental mafia agreement with each other. This does not mean confrontation, and is a legitimate exercise of their duties, as a result it the people and the country is developing, and thrive, as happened in Japan after the liquidation not legally an authoritarian system of the state. Thus, the Georgian nation and statehood of Georgia, as the air in need of these legal reforms. However, since in our state government and the entire political spectrum, there is a great lack of knowledge, but there is a great abundance of greed for money and material wealth, to political thievery, called reforms are not carried out, and intentionally block their, including during the existence of the new government. Ladies and gentlemen, let us now consider the possibility of how we can make the necessary systemic reforms for our nation, so as not to infringe on and not to infringe upon the material interests of Ivanishvili and the coalition Georgian Dream. First of all, you need to remove your old, ie the communist monopoly mentality and realize that no matter what political forces helped coming to power of the President, he after taking the oath during the inauguration, becomes President for the whole of Georgia, for each citizen. That is, the President shall be guided only by the Constitution of Georgia, otherwise the institution of the presidency it is meaningless, and the nation will always be in opposition, as in the country will always be different political parties and coalitions. In this official case, if the President is breaking the law or make the wrong decision about what Ivanishvili said, voter should be able to fix it quickly, by means of efficient operation of approval of the Constitutional Court, appointed by the Parliament. Everyone should understand that we went into the democratic system of capitalist life, that is, we chose a civil and national freedom in the framework of the Constitution, which means that the source of wealth for the citizens of Georgia should be located in their private ownership of real estate, stocks, factories, one or other business. The State Government is required to facilitate all of this, to provide security to the state, citizens, the national economy and public safety, etc. .. In this case, the interests of people who are in power, and Ivanishvili reserved, as the interests of the rest of the country and the nation naturally because all begins to work and engaged in creative creative activity. In this procedure the Parliament of Georgia creates policy of the country, the President and the Government, within its competence, shall exercise it in such a way as not to interfere with each other and the Government is does not deceive people, its supposedly he the determinant and the creator of the countrys policy. In the same case, if the Government will try to use force to assert its not legitimate monopoly power, it is called a usurpation of power and, therefore, the question of impeachment of the Government shall be guaranteed, or the Government should be changed in a revolutionary way, what always has the legal right of the Georgian people on the basis of the UN Charter. Therefore, if we take into account the fact that in the course of this confrontation the President of Georgia and the Government is always government uses force against the President, which restricts the rights and actions of the President, then, obviously, it is clear that the author of this confrontation, against peaceful activities the government is the only Government and not the President. And this at a time when the government is busy about their business, and she has no time and without manic obsessive and pointless schizophrenic struggle with the President. I repeat, if Ivanishvili or coalition Georgian Dream will continue the practice alleged that the state should operate only by private subjective desires and interests Ivanishvili and his coalition, and not in accordance with the Constitution of Georgia, it is the same control system, which was during the reign of Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Gamsakhurdia, Shevardnadze and Saakashvili. This is the illegal system, therefore they and their political team lost power, as if to speak figuratively, this system is a sign of a prison for the nation, because it destroys all creative and constructive possibilities voter. With such lawlessness never reconcile our nation. Therefore, if the government and public institutions of Georgia will work in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution, their own interests will be protected, because the government will never work against their own interests. At the same time, will not be limited to civil and creative freedom of other citizens of the country in all spheres of economic and cultural reality. Thus, in the country, will a law and security, and the political opposition will weaken the fight, because will already development of business and the national economy. It is in these systemic issues, we have a confrontation with the government of Russia, because the Russian government stupidly did not realize that the restructuring of the Soviet system must be completed to its logical end, ie, the nation should get rid of the political falsehood and dictatorship government and church (ideology), it is imperative that she opened wide the way for economic and spiritual creativity and development. Other fundamental confrontation with Russia is not, we their have no, and there is no their at our friends in the West, because the territorial problem simply is a consequence of which arose from a systemic problem in international politics. Geopolitical interests in any case can be solved in the working process of negotiations, if the policy is not complete idiots or do not belong to the family of crazy animals. So if we, Georgia and Russia will carry out these systemic reforms will be meaningless the current confrontation between the West and Russia, and we can replace confrontation on peaceful cooperation. Remember that throughout the history of mankind, in the struggle between the new and old outdated always new and progressive comes out the winner, as it is a natural law. So, it is better not to resist the natural course of events, if you value your interests.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 11:58:52 +0000

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