Last Friday, in my soap opera copywriting tip, I promised to - TopicsExpress


Last Friday, in my soap opera copywriting tip, I promised to show you a way thats almost guaranteed to insight curiosity in your headlines when used in the right context. I did not learn this word from a book. I discovered it from literally writing and split-testing hundreds of headlines over the years for a client. The word is... THIS Youre surprised... right? You were expecting something hypey. But lets take a look at what this word allows you to do... The best way to drop kilos is by doing intermittent fasting. Changes to... This unusual technique is the best way to drop kilos fast. BOOM! You have instant curiosity. Likewise... Goal setting can help you achieve your goals faster. Can become This time-tested technique can help you achieve your goals 3-times faster (Celebrity 1, Celebrity 2 & Celebrity 3 swear by it) And one last one... Chewing your food is healthy Can become This simple technique takes just seconds, but it could do wonders for your health Now these arent the best headlines in the world. To do that, Id spend 1/2 an hour or longer on them. But can you see how the ones with the words this are far more compelling... and incite way more curiosity? Your headlines most important job is to get the right prospects to read the next sentence. It has to make you salivate for more. How could you use this technique in your business?
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 05:20:21 +0000

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