Last Tuesday was a night to express our gratitude, and to - TopicsExpress


Last Tuesday was a night to express our gratitude, and to celebrate. But now, we will get back to work. This project has never been about winning this election today. It has always been about winning ideas – providing conservative solutions – for our kids’ tomorrows. We will go forward from here on the same three pledges we made in this conversation with Nebraskans eleven months ago: 1. We pledged that we would fight not merely ObamaCare, but more fundamentally, the worldview that underlies it. Those 22,000 pages — that’s nine and a half feet, for those that haven’t joined us on our tour — are a picture of what government was not meant to do, cannot do well, and will inevitably fail to do. Obamacare is more than bad health policy. It is that. More fundamentally, it is a failed worldview. It’s a worldview that says Washington always know best, that the answer is always bigger government, that happiness can be found in federal programs. In communities across our state, families understand that ObamaCare’s Big Government worldview is redefining the American experiment and undermining our Nebraska values. 2. We pledged that we would propose actual solutions. Political consultants told us that this was foolish. Proposing concrete solutions only puts a target on your back. It was likened -- by one of our most quotable advisors -- to breaking your own ankles at the beginning of a footrace. But as Melissa reminded me almost daily, the calling we felt to run was never precisely about winning. It was about the running – and the arguing – and the storytelling about America. Because I’m a Dad. And the meaning of America is about the story of a self-reliant, creative, exceptional people. At our dinner table, as at yours, we’re tired of the false choices that are too often given to our neighbors. We are tired of the silly claim that if you love your neighbor, you must express it through federal programs. On the contrary, the core of American politics is the idea that politics is nowhere near the core of American’s lives. We are tired of the false choice between serious Constitutional commitments and real solutions. We are tired of the false choice between Democrats as the party of big government ideas and Republicans as the party, all too often, with too few ideas. We are tired of the false choice between actually securing our border and genuinely welcoming legal immigrants. We are tired of the false choice between caring about the environment — as every farming and ranching family who works the land does — and allowing the EPA to declare a war on Agriculture. We are tired of the false choice between caring about the uninsured and getting the government out of the way of actual market solutions for the uninsured. We are tired of the false choice between wanting better candidates, better ideas, more winsome persuasion and getting to a Republican majority. We are tired of Republicans and Democrats screaming at each other all day to get on cable TV to scream at each other all night. Nebraskans told us that Washington isn’t just broke—it’s broken. Because we can, and must, do better. We must propose conservative solutions. Because when there is a problem, and Democrats offer a government program — a tax hike, or another bailout — and Republicans respond by sitting on the sidelines… we lose. When Republicans lack the conviction or the courage to fight for real solutions… we lose. And then freedom decreases, and government grows. Tonight in Lincoln—a city named after a Republican who cherished and defended individual opportunity—we’re sending a clear message to the rest of the country. Republicans have been the “Party of No” for long enough. Together, we ran a campaign built on bold ideas, renewed opportunity, and conservative optimism. It’s what our party needs and what Nebraskans deserve, because it’s what America is all about. You also said want more urgency from Washington – to do fewer things, but the bigger things. And so I thank those leaders in our party who bring urgency – big urgency – to national debates. I want to thank Mike Lee, Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, Tom Coburn, Mark Levin, Rick Santorum, and many more for becoming honorary Nebraskans in this campaign. I’m grateful for your passion for passing the American idea along to the next generation. 3. We pledged that we would work to grow the conservative movement. From day one, we’ve said we wanted more pro-lifers, more Second Amendment advocates, more Tea Partiers or Constitutional conservatives, more small business people. We want them all. I’ve been attacked in this campaign, oddly, for having given speeches to and sat on panels with Democrats. You better believe it. I’m going to do it again. And again, and again, and again. I want us to grow the conservative movement. We spent part of this weekend campaigning in Hispanic South Omaha. Why? Because conservative ideas are the best American ideas – and we want them for everyone. National media want to pit Republican against Republican. But here’s what most Nebraska Republicans told me on this campaign: They want their leaders to go win people to the conservative movement, to dialogue with people who disagree with us, and to grow the conservative movement. Will you help us? Please share this note with your friends and family, and join our team here: sign.sassefornebraska/conservative-solutions/ -Ben Sasse
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 15:00:00 +0000

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