Last night, an emboldened President Obama took to the rostrum - TopicsExpress


Last night, an emboldened President Obama took to the rostrum calling for aggressive, forward thinking actions to help middle class families. Tax relief for working men and women, free community college, tackling income inequality by raising the minimum wage and bringing more manufacturing jobs back to America--the economic recovery that has accelerated under the Presidents stewardship makes these things possible. The ideas the President outlined last night will move our nation forward, as we rebuild Americas crumbling infrastructure to boost the economy and provide tens of thousands of high-paying jobs; as we invest in space exploration, scientific advancements, and new technology to again place ourselves at the forefront of innovation in a modern, global economy; and as we respect human dignity while protecting Americans and our allies. So while the President and Congressional Democrats continue fighting for an increase in the minimum wage, the security of health insurance coverage, and the freedom to start a family with whomever we love, Republicans in Congress undoubtedly will continue to do what they do best: hold America hostage on behalf of their special interests and engage in petty brinksmanship. They should stop playing politics at the expense of hard-working Americans and start working with the President and their Democratic colleagues to move America forward. The bold path forward outlined last night by the President will provide the opportunity for Americans to move forward together. The Los Angeles County Democratic Party is committed to fight alongside President Obama every step of the way to restore the American Dream to all of our communities. Democratically yours, Eric C. Bauman Chair, Los Angeles County Democratic Party Vice-Chair, California Democratic Party
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 01:13:42 +0000

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