Last night, the POTUS had 1 opportunity to grow some nads and call - TopicsExpress


Last night, the POTUS had 1 opportunity to grow some nads and call ISIS out for what it is... what we got was an epic fail. Obama had the gall to say: ...over the last several years, we have consistently taken the fight to terrorists who threaten our country. We took out Osama bin Laden and much of al Qaedas leadership in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Weve targeted al Qaedas affiliate in Yemen, and recently eliminated the top commander of its affiliate in Somalia. Weve done so while bringing more than 140,000 American troops home from Iraq, and drawing down our forces in Afghanistan, where our combat mission will end later this year. Thanks to our military and counter terrorism professionals, America is safer. America is NOT safer than it was yesterday, or last month, or last year. The Coward-in-Chief has set America up for a fight on our homeland itself by leaving the borders open & inviting to every possible lowlife animal. His administration fostered a website that even encouraged the masses to come on over for a stroll down the pathway that leads to Dem-directed entitlements and voting booths in 2016... its the ONE website he got operational on the first go-round. Obama traded five of the worlds WORST TERRORIST LEADERS for a piss-poor deserter whose going AWOL directly resulted in the deaths of nearly a dozen REAL MEN the Army ordered to search for his whiny ass. The community of Islam is STILL celebrating because ALL our soldiers have now been put in danger. And what does he do in the rose-garden with Bergdahls parents but, allow the White House to be blessed by Robert Bergdahl “In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate.” And when Bergdhal finished, the president hugged him.... HUGGED him....! Especially damning in my eyes is how Obama, on numerous occasions, has turned his back on Israel--our ONE true ally--and he has done so for no other reason than to protect the same family of savages who cheered & danced in the streets on 9/11 in celebration of those who murdered 3000 innocent Americans! This stupid bastard has done everything in his power to undermine our military, including the physical removal of those whove stood up to him, who questioned his motives, who demanded accountability, who wanted protection for those under their direct command. Every military person Obama fears is smarter than him-- gone. Adios. Buh-bye... Despite the desperate call from most Americans for might and strength from the office of the President, he continues his lead-from-behind non-strategy as outlined in last nights address. TODAY, hundreds of thousands of bikers are converging on DC in a show of solidarity for this nation, her military and her Veterans-- on this, the anniversary of 9/11. Thousands of the the bikers are Veterans, who fought their asses off to protect our Republic from the very same treat of annihilation that Obama STILL wants to pussy-foot around with. I, for one, hope that when they drive past the White House, theyll salute Valerie Jarretts baby-boy with the ONLY salute he truly deserves: the 1 finger salute. Our Veterans fought selflessly and fearlessly for all of us to be able to continue to live under a Constitution that guarantees our right to the freedom of expression without persecution-- indeed, they have earned the reward that comes with that right of expression and I support their desire to flip the POS off. Godspeed.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 21:00:28 +0000

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