Last night there were local elections throughout England. Seeing - TopicsExpress


Last night there were local elections throughout England. Seeing the major parties haemorrhaging votes was a sight for sore eyes. If one includes those who quite understandably dont bother to vote the truth is inescapable - the three major parties have never had more people in the country who think theyre all complete & utter shite! The Zionist controlled BBC & its chief political prime-time bullshitter, that goody-goody tosser David Dimbleby can say all they like. These guys after all know better than anyone how to hoodwink the public. You can be sure of only one thing - the public will be treated with contempt because thats all the media can do - these results will be papered over as if nothings happened! Now before anyone starts saying the same old drivel that were all well aware of such as nothings going to change; theyre all scumbags please - just take it easy! I do realize all this! Go away if all you want to do is come out with negative crap! Youre just as much part of the problem. What we must understand is exactly what were up against. Cant you see these bastards are never going to admit how wrong they are? We cannot eradicate media bias & the fact our politicians are in the pockets of big business & the Zionists bankers overnight! We can only take it one step at a time & hopefully move in the right direction. Well were doing that! More people than ever have let Cameron, Miliband & Clegg know we dont want ANY OF THEM! But we cannot go charging around like marauding baboons! The next step is to boycott mainstream media altogether. Let them lie to themselves! This is what theyre increasingly doing & each day theyre looking ever dafter! Most especially do not watch programs like Question Time which David Dimbleby has chaired for goodness knows how long. The audience is carefully handpicked so that brainless bald-headed saps, like the one last night, agree with that idiot Prince Charles & state on national TV that Putin is some sort of terrible mega-maniac when Putin is the one whos desperately trying to diffuse the terrible situation that weve created! No appropriate questions are ever asked regarding Foreign Policy, the recent horrendous murder of two Palestinian kids - how can that not be brought up? We claim to be the good guys but then we ignore the most outrageous, diabolical behavior! All we see is a continuation of the war mongering, banking Zionist agenda. None of this can ever be questioned! We have to double, treble our efforts - send E-mails & letters to those in the media explaining just how youre fed up with their shenanigans. Tell them what your not happy about, notably their biased bullshit! Do the same to your MPs & local councilors. BOMBARD THE BASTARDS! Above all, be fussy where you spend your money. Its not difficult working out where much of the grief in this world emanates from - I believe its the Zionists & Israel. If you dont think this is the case then its your prerogative to ignore what Im saying. Ive already gone blue in the face detailing their skulduggery. If you think Im right dont shop at Tesco, Sainsbury, M &S, Waitrose & Morrisons. These are all Jewish or Zionist owned! Shop at Aldi or locally. Believe this - together we are an incredible force. Potentially we have enormous muscle but we have to utilize it. If we do we WILL squeeze them & I grant you, they will squeal like stuffed pigs. UKIPs gains were amazing but its not because theyre good; MORE BECAUSE THE OTHERS ARE BAD! I know too it wont be long before Nigel Farage has his collar felt by the Zionists. In fact I would like to bet hes already been told do not open your mouth about Israel & to a lesser extent the banking industry. In fact, Ill guarantee this has already happened! Im sure this is why he sticks to Europe & the bullshit subject of immigration. As if the damage hasnt already been done with immigration, yet were still debating about this when weve already been screwed upside-down by Mandingo? Chomsky was so right when he said THE SMART WAY TO KEEP PEOPLE PASSIVE & OBEDIENT IS TO STRICTLY LIMIT THE SPECTRUM OF ACCEPTABLE OPINION BUT ALLOW VERY LIVELY DEBATE WITHIN THAT SPECTRUM. A while back Farage flat out said that subsequent investigations into the Syrian chemical attack proved beyond any doubt that they were carried out by the Rebels! How come he never says this on national TV? Remember what Obama, Kerry & Hagel said before they attained higher office? Judging by folks propensity to forget, I can only say go back & see for yourself. You know what? Ill openly admit - I believed these guys were genuine! Whats more Ill flat out say I STILL believe they meant everything they said back then - Obama wanted to do some good; Yes we can though quickly reverted to no I bloody well cant! Now that wasnt because of some sudden extraordinary reversal of faith! He was got at by the Zionists! Kerry hated the policies of GW Bush & Hagel detested the ungodly Zionist influence that was strangulating the US political system. But look at them now? What happens is the hidden higher tier of power kicks in to operation as soon as certain politicians become top dogs. Theyre allowed to go woof woof; theyre are holidays galore; the media dutifully massages the ego BUT THATS IT! Politicians ultimately have no power! The reason why Cameron & Harper look like theyre in control is because THEY ARE PERFECT PUPPETS whereas believe it or not, Obama, Kerry & Hagel arent. I know many of you will disagree but its no surprise to me Obamas aged 15-20 years in 6! Even Kerry the other day slipped up & said Israel is running the risk of being labeled an Apartheid state! I grant you - Cameron & Harper would never do that! Before you criticize the GMM think about what I say. Finally going back to the UK elections, as you know, for quite some time Ive trumpeted the notion that those pulling the strings have already decided Cameron, by hook or by crook, has to be reelected. I noticed something I found quite astonishing. Now the Tories, with the help of the media, have been making false claims for a while now about the state of the British economy, saying its improving, when in truth we are very much bang in the shit! However none of this credit is going to the Lib-Dems, even though some of their top guys work in the Treasury! Okay, so the Lib-Dems are mere bit players in the coalition but wait! What we are seeing Instead is all government flak is being directed towards the Lib-Dems whereas Cameron is emerging relatively unscathed! Its unbelievable how we are being taken for a massive ride. If you dont see it - WAKE UP FOR CHRIST SAKE! Do not fall for the bullshit. We all know none of them are any good but anyone other than a fully fledged Zionist who votes for Cameron deserves to be strung up!
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 17:47:17 +0000

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