Last night’s pay-per-view, special event, whatever WWE wants to - TopicsExpress


Last night’s pay-per-view, special event, whatever WWE wants to call them now, Battleground, was quite unpredictable. Well, at least I thought it was, considering I went 2 for 8 in my predictions. Unpredictable does not always mean signify bad though. It does not always signify good either. So here we have it, the good, the bad and the awesome from Battleground. The Good John Cena vs. Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton vs. Kane, WWE World Heavyweight Championship I thought the was main event was good. Plain and simple, it was a good match. Nothing was mind blowing or took my breath away, but the last eight to 10 minutes were action packed and a false-finish galore. WWE kept it up with the push of Roman Reigns, making it appear he was going to SummerSlam as the new champion. He even earned the best spot in the match, where he took a lap around the ring, dropkicking every competitor who was sprawled out around ringside.. He then followed this up by spearing Orton through the time keepers barricade, and despite that it seems like Reigns has hit this spot to every member of the roster, it is still awesome to watch. Even though deep down I knew SuperCena was going to emerge victorious, every time Reigns hit a Superman Punch or Spear for a cover, I was hoping for the full three count. Another great moment from the match was the double powerbomb, which Reigns and Cena delivered to Kane, who superplexed Orton in the midst of it. I think the Cena, Reigns stare down was far too forced. Cena isn’t Hogan, Reigns isn’t The Rock, and this is not WrestleMania 18. It’s Battlground, a low end pay-per-view, and rivalry between the two hasnt even been built. With no surprise title change, no Brock Lesnar appearance(tonight though!!!) and no Seth Rollins cash-in tease, this match is purely considered good in my eyes. Paige vs. AJ Lee, Divas Championship Is this the dawning of a new premier divas rivalry? I sure hope so, because I am certainly a fan of both these women. The frienemies locked up for a good, yet semi-sloppy match. The tackle to out the outside of the ring came off as awkward, as if they were afraid of taking the bump. I’m not saying Paige has to hit AJ with the same force Big E, but c’mon girl, get some pizzazz behind it. Also, Paige somewhat botched the rolling powerbomb off of the top rope; she was visibly upset about it too. But enough with the negative, there is certainly a lot more positive from the match. First off, Paige attempting the rolling powerbomb is awesome. We don’t see enough big moves out of the divas division anymore. The false-finished Page Turner was great too. Since false finishes are an aspect rarely included with the Divas anymore, I legitimately thought Paige had regained the title. And I love both submission holds from these two; I wish AJ would lock the Black Widow on me. I’m thinking this is friendship/rivalry is continuing into SummerSlam and throughout 2014. Both ladies are playing faces, and eventually, Paige is going to need to snap. Let her play as heel, maybe a toned down Alicia Fox character, but i don’t know how long WWE can role with crazy chick heels. Paige continues to deliver in the ring, making this back to back pay-per-view matches that are worth rewatching, which I’m about to do after I finish writing this column. And AJ, well she’s AJ, which is awesome per usual. Jack Swagger vs. Rusev Hey, we finally saw Rusev in an extended match. Almost 10 minutes to be exact. This is just a natural rivalry for the two men, pitting country against country. If only it was for the United States Championship. I’ve been rooting for Swagger since he made his comeback at Elimination Chamber 2013, so thank you Rusev for allowing him to be a likable character. This rivalry gives the Real American meaning, instead of floating in obscurity, having yawnfests against Adam Rose. He looked strong, literally and in the sense of booking. The belly to belly slam he put on the 300 pounder, fantastic. The Patriot Lock looked good on Rusev’s barefoot, and you really thought he was going to tap. Also, Swagger losing only because he was knocked out by the ring post will not only continue this feud, but it makes him look like 100% tough guy. At last, Rusev showcases his talents. He proves he knows more than the high-kick and the Accolade. I’m liking the duo of Natasha and Boris, I mean Lana and Rusev. Burly, monster heels are normally not my favorite to watch, but he is a barbaric, Bulgarian brute and I love it. He has the necessary strength and power to be intimidating, yet has the athleticism and finesse to remain watchable, not sluggish. Swagger versus Rusev II, book it for August 17 in Los Angeles. The Bad Fandango vs. Adam Rose I don’t even know what to say. It was a two minute match where Summer Rae and Layla slap Fandango, then he was pinned. There you have it. The only winner is the viewers, because Summer Rae was on the screen. Cameron vs. Naomi Hey, we’re going to get an multiple on-going rivalries with Divas, but the downfall in this particular situation is one of them can’t wrestle. I’m very sorry, but Cameron is not good. Chris Jericho vs. Bray Wyatt I may be the only man in the world who is not a Bray Wyatt fan. His promos are cool, move set is cool, good performer,but I justI do not connect with him. On the other hand, Chris Jericho one of the my top-five favorite performers of all time, so I’m quite surprised I’m ranking this as bad. The result was expected. Keeps the feud going, and forces Wyatt to continue to work with an in-ring veteran. These two with probably have a best of three series, which runs through Night of Champions, Most likely, Bray will capture the victory at the next two events, unless WWE wants to continually make him average. I think I am so disappointed with the result because I had such high expectations. It was just a really slow match, where the biggest reaction, if I do remember correctly, was when Luke Harper and Eric Rowan were ejected. And I hated the finished. A Codebreaker out of nowhere? C’mon, these two are better than what they gave us. SummerSlam = epic. The Miz winning the Intercontinental Title It says it all. The Awesome Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins WWE did it. They found this era’s premier rivalry. I don’t know if it will reach The Rock vs. Stone Cold level, but this is going to be great, and it will be great for a long time. These two going back and forth is the top reason I continue to tune into Raw. As a whole, Ambrose is probably my favorite guy on the roster right now, and Rollins is playing a great heel, fully committed to the crowd to hate him. Ambrose re-emerging, the first time, to brawl throughout the arena, perfection. The two loathe each other so much, no one can contain the two from getting their hands on each other! And of course, only Dean Ambrose could make popping out of the trunk of a car look so cool. I’m hoping for Cena to retain at SummerSlam (say what!?), only to be beaten down so badly by Lesnar the next night on Raw, that Rollins just has to slide in the ring to score the pin fall. The two former Shield brethren fighting over the title takes this to the next level of awesomeness. . Intercontinental Championship Battleground Battle Royal Even though the result legitimately broke my heart(SO CLOSE DOLPH), the action inside the ring was fun. First off, Heath Slater! Not only did he get some love from the pre-show panel, he eliminated Cesaro. ONE MAN BAND BABY! Secondly, Cesaro and Kofi’s spot was fun to watch. Cesaro shows off his strength, Kofi shows off his agility and athleticism, everyone gets to enjoy it. Third, thank you Damien Sandow. And lastly, DOLPH YOU WERE SO CLOSE. The battle between Sheamus and Ziggler had me on the edge of my seat. Those two have so much chemistry together in the ring, I hope for another 2012-like rivalry with the two. And that Superkick that sent the United States Champion out of the ring, how could you not love that? The best thing that can come from this is Ziggler vs. The Miz, where The Show-Off delivers a Superkick to the “Money-Maker” and captures the IC TItle. The Usos vs. The Wyatt Family, 2 out of 3 Falls. Match of the year so far. There I said it. This was a main event caliber match, but it just happened to open up the pay-per-view. The first pinfall was a devastating big boot from Luke Harper, and the second was a quick roll up from one of the Usos. But the battle for the one that mattered, wow. Phenomenal. It’s a shame that this rivalry looks like it is coming to an end, because these four can work together, and they work together really well. In all honesty, I thought the Wyatts were going to finally win the titles. Can’t complain about the Usos retaining though, considering they haven’t had a bad match in over a year. I don’t know where these two teams are going from here, but the rest of the division has a lot to live up to after this match. All in all, I thought Battleground was decent. Most certainly better than the debacle of an event it was in October, but it just felt like a SummerSlam warm-up. What did you guys think of last night’s event? Let me know in the comments section below. Also, what does your ideal SummerSlam card look like? Don’t forget to follow me on the twittersphere, @ttrill_
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 23:13:33 +0000

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