Last summer, I stayed at camp with my old Troop for a few days as - TopicsExpress


Last summer, I stayed at camp with my old Troop for a few days as an Asst. SM. Each scout and leader was asked to provide a log or stick for the Troop campfire that represented themselves. At the time I didnt know it would be my last Troop function, but I decided to spend a lot of time on my log making it reflect the greatest Scouting influences on my life in the past decade. My log centers around my initials, A.D. The cross to their left represents my Christian upbringing, attending Catholic school, and belonging to a Catholic Troop and Pack. To the left is the symbol of Bear Paw Scout Camp. I attended for the first time as a new Scout in 5th grade and went for 5 consecutive years. Now Im returning this summer for a 2nd and final year on Staff. To the left are two numbers: 724 for my Troop where I started in middle school, a family that gave me strength through some of my toughest years, and where I was able to continually give back for a time. Ill never forget my high adventure trip to the Black Hills, weekend outings at Peninsula State Park with capture the flag or late nights around the campfire telling stories and debating anything and everything. The 61 represents my first home OA Lodge, Awase Lodge. I was inducted at Bear Paw in 2008 and served as the final Lodge Chief last year before we merged. My time leading the Lodge was what truly built up my self-confidence and motivation during high school to aim high and is why Ive been so successful. The Arrow between the numbers represents my other experiences in the OA, now as a Section Chief, and for my future in the organization. The 4 notches on the right side of the log represent the organization that convinced me not to leave Scouting as I entered High School: NYLT. I met amazing people, learned a great deal and returned for 4 more years on Staff. I never wouldve made it through Scouting and to Eagle had it not been for National Youth leadership Training. The two burned dashes have one final meaning: My parents, who supported me in Scouting from the beginning and still do. My dad has been a scout leader ever since he started as my Den Leader, then Troop Committee member, Chairman, and now Treasurer. My mother has sacrificed greatly to get me to events, pay for my travel and support my aspirations. I can not easily repay the debt I owe them but will nonetheless try my best to do so. Scouting has blessed me these past 15 years. Im truly thankful for it all, and for the future experiences Ill have with it as well.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 00:15:06 +0000

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