Latin America cuts ties with “terrorist state of - TopicsExpress


Latin America cuts ties with “terrorist state of Israel” Posted on August 1, 2014 While the Israeli poodle governments in Washington and London are financially, militarily and morally supporting the Zionist entity’s ethnic-cleansing of Palestinian in Gaza and the West Bank, several Latin American nations are breaking-up diplomatic relations or recalling their ambassadors from Tel Aviv in protest. Bolivian president Evo Morales has harshly condemned Jewish army’s killing of Gaza civilians and children – calling Israel a “terrorist state” while announcing the break-up of diplomatic relations with Tel Aviv. “Israel doesn’t guarantees the principle of respect for live, and basic right to live in harmony and peace in the international community,” said Morales. Zionist foreign minister Lieberman criticized Latin American nations decision, claiming their actions would encourage Hamas to kill more Israeli Jews. Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, Peru and Ecuador have all recalled their ambassadors from Tel Aviv, while Argentina, Venezuela, Uruguay and Paraguay have suspended the Free Trade talks with the Zionist regime. President Dilma Rouseff of Brazil said as friend of Israel, I feel ashamed of its actions. Interestingly, while Israelis have claimed that Hamas is negotiating with North Korea to buy more arms to cover its losses in the Gaza War – Washington has announced it will cover Israeli losses of ammunition including 120 mm mortar rounds and 40 mm ammunition for grenade launchers. It seems, Chavez and Ahmadinejad may have left the world stage but their anti-imperialism movement is bearing fruits now. And finally a note from British veteran journalist and author, Alan Hart: “When those who defend Israel’s actions with the statement that “We withdrew from Gaza years ago and look what happened”, the best response is, I think, something like the following. “Cut the bullshit. The siege of the Gaza Strip is occupation by remote control.” Source: Rehmats World
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 10:32:59 +0000

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