Learn from Lampedusa – open migration routes!* Rally Friday, - TopicsExpress


Learn from Lampedusa – open migration routes!* Rally Friday, October 25, 2013, 5 pm Konstablerwache, Frankfurt/Main FREEDOM, NOT FRONTEX! – ABOLISH DUBLIN 2 REGULATIONS! – OPEN MIGRATION ROUTES! 364 dead and 26 missed. This is the shocking result of the most recent tragedy in the Mediterranean Sea, where a refugee boat with 500 people capsized close to the Italian island Lampedusa on October 3, 2013. Politicians and media are horrified by this incidence. At last, as such catastrophes regularly happen since decades without any major public attention. Only nine days later another boat sank close to the Maltese coastline, where 34 people lost their lives. Such dramas do not only occur in the Mediterranean Sea but also in the East like in the Evroz-region between Greece and Turkey, where many people die during their dangerous passage. But politicians continuously call for further armament and military protection of the EU borders instead of reconsidering the European migration politics as a whole. They say that an extension of the European border agency Frontex, increased high-tech surveillance using the Eurosor system and expanded controls will save people’s lives. While in reality this is rather the source of the problem, it is publically advertised as a solution to it. It has been unambiguously shown that armament does not prevent migration, but that migration will rather adapt towards new defence strategies and develop new faces. Instead, improved surveillance with armed patrols, drones and satellites led to an exploitation of new and more dangerous flight routes. Thus, armament of borders mainly has one consequence: Danger of life! Also, the often-demonised facilitators and people smuggling-networks are not the source of these catastrophes; they are an ultimate consequence of the European defence politics. Refugees only use these facilitators and mortal routes since legal and safe migration into the EU has been made impossible. In addition, the European foreclosure begins far ahead of its own territory. Political pressure of the EU member states on neighbouring countries has led to a virtual expansion of the European borders. On their way to Europe, migrants get already arrested, tortured and sent to the desert in transit countries like Morocco, Tunisia and Libya. The few, who have made their way into Europe, immediately face another barrier: the so-called Dublin 2 act. This EU regulation defines those countries, which are entered first by the refugees as being responsible for their asylum cases. Consequently the freedom to choose the final destination of their flight is taken off people’s hands. Instead they are permanently threaded by intra- European deportations and often stray for years without any perspective within Europe. Migration into the continent is therefore been pushed to the outer European borders by the Dublin 2 regulations. These conditions are disastrous and degrading. In Italy, many asylum seekers face homelessness and extreme poverty. In Hungary, most of the people get detained over months. In Greece, it already got impossible to apply for asylum for many years. All of this is not a temporary weakness but apparently an entirely malfunctioning system. Protests of asylum seekers in Hamburg, Berlin, Munich and other places further prove that. Here politicians react with ignorance instead of initiating a dialog to change problems on a long run. It is not the decision makers in Rome who are mainly responsible for the Lampedusa case but politicians in Berlin and Brussels, who develop the bases for such misanthropic principles. Our consequence from Lampedusa has to be a fundamental change of direction in European migration politics. It should finally remember its original goal: protect people and allow migration. Abolish Frontex! Frontex does not protect migrants but the fortress Europe! It supports mass extinction at the outer European borders! Abolish Dublin 2! It drives people into extreme poverty and misanthropic conditions in peripheral European countries! Migrations routes have to be opened and legal immigration into central Europe has to be possible. The protection but not the defence against refugees has to be the major aim! Aktionsbündnis gegen Abschiebung Rhein-Main and noborderffm *This call has been initiated by Karawane Munich and can be signed here: lampedusa.karawane-muenchen.org /call Friday, October 25, 2013, 5 pm Frankfurt/Main, Konstablerwache Rally Learn from Lampedusa – open migration routes! Saturday, October 26, 2013, 3 pm Munich, Central Station Demonstration Learn from Lampedusa – open migrations routes! lampedusa.karawane-muenchen.org Saturday, November 2, 2013, 2 pm Hamburg, Central Station Demonstration for the recognition of the group Lampedusa in Hamburg lampedusa-in-hamburg.tk Wednesday, November 20, 2013, 6 pm Frankfurt/Main, Airport, Terminal 1 Rally against deportation (part of the protests against the Euro Finance Week) further information soon here: rhein-main.antira.info or noborderffm.blogsport.de
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 06:50:34 +0000

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