Lee Clement has caught the attention of his neighbors. Just about - TopicsExpress


Lee Clement has caught the attention of his neighbors. Just about anyone in his neighborhood knows him, if not by name, by sight. Clement, 91, is cleaning up his neighborhood one piece at a time. His daughter-in-law Denise Clement says Grandpa walks a couple of times each day the weather allows him to get out. “He walks a couple of miles every day the weather is not too cold for him,” Denise said. “He uses a walker and as he walks around he cleans the neighborhood.” She said they were on the way home from church and he remarked, “I need to talk to our neighbors to see if they have any room in their trash.” Denise explained how when he comes home from one of his walks, he often has bags hanging off his walker filled with trash. “You should see. For a while he’d bring his walker in the house loaded with this stuff and I would have trash all over my house,” Denise said. Now he stops in the garage and off loads the merchandise on his walker. “One time he came in with a pair of men’s underwear and wondered if we should wash them and give them to one of our sons-in-law,” she said. Denise said one of her friends shared a story about Lee. “She was telling me somebody stopped the other day and gave hin a $5 tip for keeping the area clean,” Denise said. “It’s really amazing, the whole neighborhood knows him.” Lee lives with Denise and Darvin Clement. She said when they first moved to Prosper a few years ago, it was just she and Grandpa. Darvin had to wait a while before leaving Washington. So at age 89, Lee decided he was going to do the yard work and he did it, reports Denise. But when Darvin caught up with the family in Prosper, he put an end to his 89-year-old father doing the yard work. Lee’s wife passed away three years ago and Denise says she thinks he lived to take care of her through several years of poor health. “That’s just the kind of person he is,” Denise said. “He has to have a purpose.” So, when he had to stop doing the lawn at the Clement’s house, he turned his attention to the neighborhood. “It’s amazing the kinds of things he picks up,” she said. She added that the most unusual thing he’s brought home is the underwear. “He’s a wonderful guy,” she said. “The joggers and walkers all recognize him. “He came home one day and told me he got a tip from somebody,” Denise said. “Someone had given him one of those fake $1 million bills.” She said it was someone from Prestonwood Church and it had information about the church on the back. “It’s the simple pleasures of life.” “He’s probably in better shape than 80 percent of the people around, even though he’s 91.”
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 16:20:05 +0000

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