Leftists like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson are the leaders of - TopicsExpress


Leftists like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson are the leaders of the black subversion in America. They have visited Cuba and personally befriended Fidel Castro many times. America is being invaded by Muslims and Communists as well and they are growing among the African American population. They know where the weakness of our society is and they are going for it. When the police union advice and warn police officers that they should respond to every radio call with two cars — no matter what the opinion of the patrol supervisor — and not make arrests unless absolutely necessary; we have to know that we are facing anarchy. If the police back up, whom are we going to call when we need to call for help? Our streets are full of people with criminal records who hate the police. African Americans and Muslims are seeking revenge for Eric Garner and Michael Brown. Michael Brown died with a huge amount of marihuana in his blood stream. Mexicans and Cubans are well known in Florida and New Mexico for their plantation of marihuana in Mexican territory and American territory as well. The foundations of our society are being torn down when we give criminals the right to the first amendment and we take that same right from good citizens and police as well. The shooter of the NYC officer was Ismaaiyl Brinsley, he has two Muslim names “Ismaaiyl” and a middle name “Abdullah” which means “servant of Allah,” it is a fan of sheikhand and also frequented Al-Farooq Mosque. I hope the FBI can do a better job from now on. I hope that North Korean hackers could be stopped. I hope that Russia and North Korea do not agree against America. And finally I hope that Communist Cubans could be kept from silently invading our society ( with the support of the Cuban American representatives in the senate and the congress as well) the way they have being doing during the past fifty years. Cuba has no internet use for the public, but Cuban hackers are well known. If you walk the streets of Havana you will see thousands of CDs sold at different kiosks. Those CDs are copies of American movies and TV programs. Cubans do not respect the authors right and they are good at identity theft. The future of the US? I dont know. Where will I look for refuge next time? I dont know. God have mercy on us! Mark 3-25 If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand...
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 05:00:02 +0000

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