Lent Devotional Day 31- Wednesday 4/9/14 John 6:35 (NLT) Jesus - TopicsExpress


Lent Devotional Day 31- Wednesday 4/9/14 John 6:35 (NLT) Jesus replied, “I am the bread of life. No one who comes to me will ever be hungry again. Those who believe in me will never thirst. Reflection: Have you ever been hungry, really hungry? I dont mean when you had to skip breakfast because you were running late. And I dont mean when you were fasting for physical or spiritual reasons. And I certainly dont mean when you were dieting to try to lose that extra weight. These are all related to decisions we make, choices for our own reasons, and they are temporary. We can end the hunger at any time. It does, however, give us that sense of gnawing emptiness, brief though it is. What about the hunger you cant seem to fill? That emptiness deep in your core that you cant quite put your finger on. That awareness that someting is missing, youre just not sure what. That void that makes itself known when you get quiet, really quiet, and no one else is around. Weve all felt it. You may be feeling it now. We try to alleviate that hunger in many different ways. Some of those ways can lead to addictions, promiscuity, wild living and other careless behaviors. When we become part of a spiritual community, we try not to continue in the bad behavior, and must seek other ways to fill the hunger. Things that are socially acceptable. We fill our lives with work, hobbies, social events, sports, social media, volunteering for good causes, spiritual disciplines, family. These are all good things. But, as good and necessary as they may be, they dont fill the deepest hunger; in fact, they take our minds off it. When the activity stops, the team loses (or wins), and the grandkids go home, its still there. Deep within. This is the hunger that God alone fills when we come to him, as Jesus said above. But its not a simple one time act or repeating of certain words. As we allow his words to clean us, prune us of the things that distract...As we take time, make time to reflect... As we develop the conscious & subconscious (spiritual) awareness of the presence of God in our deepest being... Then that gnawing hunger deep within goes away. And it never has to return. In the quietness of your deepest being. In the solitude of your spirit. Feed on the bread of life that fully and forever satisfies that hunger. God will show you how as you wait. Be satisfied with nothing less. Prayer: Bread of life, feed me. I dont even know what that means, but deep in my spirit something is rising up, desiring only to be filled with you, and you alone. Help me avoid the junk food of things that taste good, but dont nurture and truly satisfy. Feed me today.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 06:00:11 +0000

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