Leonard Ravenhill noted that a dove has many little feathers, but - TopicsExpress


Leonard Ravenhill noted that a dove has many little feathers, but one Middle Eastern dove has 9 main feathers on the right wing and 9 main feathers on the left wing. In the New Testament there are 9 gifts of the spirit in Corinthians and 9 fruits of the spirit in Galatians. But there are 5 main tail feathers. The Holy Spirit brought a fivefold ministry into the church. The Holy Spirit has 9 gifts on one wing, 9 gifts on the other wing, but the balance comes through the 5 fold ministry. Eight things about a dove: A dove doesn’t sing songs like other birds. A dove sings lamentations like a wooing sound, because believers groan in the spirit. Two, the dove lacks bile. A bile system represents bitterness and a real believer should not have unforgiveness and bitterness. Third, a dove likes to kiss. I like that too. It is a loving and affectionate bird and we should be filled with the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. People really filled with the Holy Spirit are huggy and affectionate. When you got saved, God put a love in your heart you didn’t have before. When I got saved I got up from the altar and hugged everyone around me and I didn’t know a single one there in that church. I was a visitor for the first time and knew not one person in that church. Fourth, doves fly in flocks. God sent his disciples forth 2 by 2. That is the unity of the body; we are not loaners trying to do it all. God doesn’t call one, He calls the church. A dove never steals; it won’t steal from another bird, like a raven. But many Christians will take things without paying for them and ministries who have tables with things they sell have to watch them closely so stuff doesn’t disappear. A dove doesn’t feed off dead things. Some people like to hear nothing but the latest bad news of others. A real dove gets repulsed by all that and has to leave the room when the gossip gets thick. Seven, a dove eats good grain. A believer will always want to eat good food form the Word of God. A dove raises two chicks at a time.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 04:25:25 +0000

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